
Análise do Ciclo de Vida (ACV) e Reciclagem

A análise de ciclo de vida é uma técnica para avaliação dos aspectos ambientais e dos impactos potenciais associados a um produto, compreendendo etapas que vão desde a retirada da natureza das matérias-primas elementares que entram no sistema produtivo, à disposição do produto final. Essa técnica também é conhecido como …

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Tempo de Decomposição dos Materiais

*Material **Tempo de Degradação *Aço **Mais de 100 anos *Alumínio **200 a 500 anos *Cerâmica **indeterminado *Chicletes **5 anos *Cordas de nylon **30 anos *Embalagens Longa Vida **Até 100 anos (alumínio) *Embalagens PET **Mais de 100 anos *Esponjas **indeterminado *Filtros de cigarros **5 anos *Isopor **indeterminado *Louças **indeterminado *Luvas de …

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The main goal of any recycling program is to maximize public participation, increase amounts of post-consumer materials recycled and minimize contamination. Collecting ‘all plastic bottles’ is an excellent way to achieve higher recovery rates for plastic bottles, especially PET and HDPE, and reduce unwanted contaminants in your program at the …

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The growing e-waste problem

If your current PC is too slow or running out of storage space, it’s probably more cost-effective to replace it than to upgrade it. But have you ever stopped to consider what happens to your old computer once you abandon it for a newer model? The workplace mantra of “reduce, …

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Sri Lanka – recycled rubble will make new homes and roads

Tsunami survivors in Sri Lanka may soon be living in homes built from the rubble of their previous houses under a radical new recycling scheme run by Lanka Environmental Recyclers Institute and Christian relief and development agency World Vision. Green Building Press reports that the environmentally friendly concept, in which …

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UK – London Mayor reveals aim for London nappy recycling plant

London Remade is working to secure funding to attract a US-based company to locate a disposable nappy recycling plant in the capital. reports that while the nation debates the benefits of re-usable or disposable nappies, the London market development organisation has been working with UK representatives of Knowaste, which …

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USA – EPA targets paper recycling

The United States EPA, Washington, has sought the input of companies throughout the recycling supply chain to help it determine how best to encourage Americans to recycle more paper. Recycling Today reports that rhe federal agency hosted a meeting in early June of more than 40 people drawn from the …

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