

Em 1909 a palavra umwelt (meio ambiente, em alemão) foi utilizada pela primeira vez pelo biólogo e pioneiro da ecologia do Báltico, Jakob Von Uexküll. Existe hoje uma grande discussão sobre a utilização do termo meio ambiente, pois há uma tendência entre autores em se considerar o termo como pleonasmo …

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Remanufacturing: the benefits

Benefits to individual businesses: Through sharing product information, both OEMs and remanufacturers can profit from supply chain improvements and enhanced product development. Through trade-in schemes, remanufacturers can build a better relationship with their customers than those who rely on ‘throw-away’, one-off purchases. And remanufactured goods can command a higher profit …

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Brazil – world’s first carton packaging recycling plant using plasma technology

Alcoa Aluminio, Tetra Pak, Klabin and TSL Ambiental have inaugurated the world‘s first carton packaging recycling facility located in Piracicaba, Brazil. The plant uses ground-breaking plasma technology, which enables the total separation of aluminum and plastic components from the cartons. This innovative process constitutes a significant enhancement to the current …

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What is remanufacturing?

“The process of returning a used product to at least Original Equipment Manufacturer performance specification and giving the resultant product a warranty that is at least equal to that of a newly manufactured equivalent.”

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Japan – Fujitsu computer cases world‘s first to use plant-based plastic

Japanese Fujitsu Limited announced in January that they have jointly developed the world‘‘s first large personal computer cases made of environmentally friendly bioplastics. Japan for Sustainability reports that the plastic is used in Fujitsu‘‘s spring 2005 model FMV-BIBLO NB80K notebook computers. The material contains polylactic acid and is a bioplastic …

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Spain – new plastics recycling plant puts a stop to tipping

BPB -Bizkaiko Plastiko Berziklategia- is the result of the latest cooperation project involving Basque public company Garbiker and a Trienekens group subsidiary in the Basque Country. EITB reports that Bizkaiko Plástico Berziklategia (BPB), a new recycling plant inaugurated in Amorebieta, near Bilbao, will prevent some 8,000 tons of polyethylene film, …

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UK – recycled glass sand good for golfers

New research results demonstrate that using a blend of processed sand (made from 100% recycled glass) and conventional sand offers performance and environmental benefits and is closer to the traditional sand colour. This is especially good news for greenkeepers who are reluctant to use processed sand due to its natural …

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Europe – environment: EU Eco-label extended to campsites

Campers now have the opportunity to turn to the ‘‘Flower‘‘ logo of the EU Eco-label to find an environmentally friendly camp site. Companies providing campsite services in Europe can apply for the EU Eco-label to show that they meet strict environmental performance criteria. European consumers have long been able to …

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