
Reciclagem de lixo em casa

Na verdade, não dá para “reciclarmos”, propriamente, resíduos em casa ou no trabalho (exceto papel). A reciclagem é um processo industrial que demanda equipamentos e técnicas especiais. Podemos, sim, separar diversos materiais e encaminhá-los alternativamente. Algumas dicas Separe os recicláveis, como papéis, plásticos, vidros e metais. Os materiais devem estar …

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Carvão feito de lixo é realidade na Europa

Desde julho de 1997, já está em funcionamento, na Alemanha, uma usina que processa 140.000 toneladas de lixo por ano e produz, concomitantemente, combustível, a partir da biomassa. Trata-se da Tecnologia de Reprocessamento de Combustível que, além da Alemanha e Itália (Veneza), já em pleno funcionamento, tem outras usinas sendo …

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Italy – decree includes compost in green procurement targets

Given the potential strategic implications on compost markets and related possibilities to propose similar provisions in other Member States, you may be interested to know, that after a technical inquiry Italy has finally listed – by means of a specific Decree – compost from separate collection among materials able to …

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UK – farm plastics recycling scheme starts up in Yorkshire

A new project that collects plastic bottles collected from farms for recycling has begun in Yorkshire. reports that the Recovered Agricultural Plastics Scheme (RAPS) has been developed by Wrexham-based plastics reprocessor Recovered Plastic, working with East Yorkshire group JSR Farms and agricultural chemicals supplier Agrovista. Under the scheme, which …

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Europe – thinking twice about the garbage

The International Herald Tribune has run an interesting and quite extensive piece on variable rate charging (pay-as-you-throw). The most notable thing about garbage in the picture-perfect medieval city [of Zurich] is that it‘‘s nearly impossible to find any. On Untere Zaune, a winding cobbled street in Zurich‘‘s historic old town, …

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Ireland – recycling to double under proposed Dublin waste plan

The Draft Dublin Waste Management Plan 2005-2010 will double the recycling infrastructure in the region. It continues the policy of achieving 59% recycling, with landfill reducing to 16% and the remaining 25% of waste being incinerated, generating energy for electricity and potentially district heating. Already, 26% recycling for household and …

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UK – the Chew Magna zero waste project

It may be a tiny dot on the planet, but the village of Chew Magna has set out to save the world, reports The community of 1,100 in the Chew Valley, south of Bristol, hopes to become the first in Britain to cause no damage to the planet. Engineering …

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England – Environment Agency guidance on sampling and testing of wastes to meet landfill waste acceptance procedures

The Environment Agency for England & Wales has published guidance for Environment Agency officers, waste producers and the waste management industry. It will assist in the development of sampling plans, in undertaking testing programmes for waste characterisation and in compliance testing and the use of the data to determine acceptance …

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UK – trade waste recycling best practice guide

The Gretaer London Authority (GLA) has published a guide – written by consultants Enviros – which aims to develop the opportunity that trade waste recycling presents through establishing best practice guidance, which is based on researched case studies and builds on the lessons learnt by authorities who are operating successful …

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