
UK – illegal dumping (fly-tipping): the true picture

Rubbish is illegally dumped somewhere in England every 35 seconds, according to new figures released today which show the true extent of the menace of fly-tipping. Not only is this spoiling the local environment, but it is also costing authorities almost £100 a minute to clear up. The new information …

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Histórico da Embalagem

Desde as primeiras civilizações já existia a necessidade de transportar, acondicionar e armazenar alimentos. Com o desenvolvimento de diferentes culturas, os processos de produção de embalagem foram evoluindo do artesanal para o industrial, com a incorporação de novos materiais e formas. O incremento populacional e a expansão geográfica criaram a …

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How do you begin this program? By analyzing all of your facilities‘‘ process streams, including procurement, usage, and disposal. The types and quantities of batteries that are present in each stream should be identified. By doing this Battery Solutions, Inc. will be able to customize a integrated battery waste management …

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Primórdios da preservação do meio ambiente

A preocupação com a exploração inadequada dos recursos naturais e da poluição resultante do desenvolvimento tecnológico se consolidou na Revolução Industrial. Desde esta época já havia duas frentes: Uma que acusava o desenvolvimento de agredir o Meio Ambiente e outra que defendia que a falta deste era prejudicial. O equilíbrio …

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O que é o Gerenciamento Integrado dos Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos

O Gerenciamento Integrado dos resíduos sólidos urbanos compreende a coleta integral do lixo de forma eficiente e abrangente, atendendo 100% da população e a disposição adequada do que não foi possível reaproveitar. O gerenciamento integrado é uma atividade que deve ser partilhada entre Governo, Indústria e população proporcionando resultados positivos …

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Australia – WMAA launches compost supply chain roadmap

The aim of this new roadmap project is to develop a viable and sustainable organics recycling industry across Australia. This will involve new product and market identification and development of strategic plans that target both niche and wide-ranging markets for recycled organics. The focus will be on the identification of …

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Europe environmentally friendly plastic: Commission welcomes voluntary industry commitment

Plastic bags, cups, plant pots, wraps… we all use polymer-based products every day. Certain polymers are biodegradable and compostable, though you can‘‘t tell by looking at them. Encouraged by the European Commission, a consortium of manufacturers has now voluntarily committed themselves to using environment-friendly polymers in the packaging sector and …

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Australia looks towards sustainable packaging

The Australian Institute of Packaging has held a forum addressing government moves to introduce stricter accountability for recycling and the impact it will have on the industry. Speakers pointed out challenges such as recycling often proving to be more expensive and many programmes are over zealous. Held in conjunction with …

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