
Japan – NEC to use reinforced bioplastic for PC parts

Japan‘‘s NEC Corp. intend to use a new type of biodegradable plastic for their notebook personal computer parts. Japan for Sustainability report that this biodegradable plastic is made from polylactic acid with kenaf fiber as a reinforcing material. Conventional biodegradable plastics, or bioplastics, made from polylactic acid derived from corn …

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US – recycling is up in Oregon, but so is waste generation

Officials suggest that residents take note of what they purchase, according to the StatemanJournal in Oregon. The people in charge of residents‘‘ garbage and recycling collection don‘‘t just want people to recycle more. They want them to buy less garbage. “If there is any improvement or emphasis … it should …

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Incinerate the trash

In its dreams, Toronto imagined that it could dispose of its garbage problem with the wave of a magic wand. Under the city‘‘s waste plan, recycling, composting and other methods would divert 100 per cent of its garbage away from landfill by 2010, eliminating the need to truck it to …

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Se observarmos as diversas estatísticas, com relação a disposição dos resíduos sólidos, nos deparamos com uma situação alarmante, visto que 75% das cidades brasileiras dispõem seus resíduos sólidos em lixões, em vez de aterros sanitários. Esta situação trás diversos comprometimentos ao meio ambiente e à saúde da população. Podemos citar …

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Frascos de vida longa ou de vida curta

A Sinimplast, empresa líder na fabricação de embalagens plásticas sopradas da América Latina, assinou um contrato de parceria com a RES Brasil, firmando seu credenciamento junto à empresa que comercializa a tecnologia D2W de degradação rápida de plásticos, um diferencial valioso em embalagens plásticas e uma necessidade cada vez maior. …

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Como descartar corretamente resíduos farmacêticos

“Milhões de embalagens de medicamentos rotulados como AMOSTRA GRATIS são entregues em consultórios médicos, nos postos de saúde, nos hospitais, nos ambulatórios, nos postos de atendimento de bairros, nas maternidades e nas clínicas particulares. Quando a validade destes produtos químicos perigosos vence, qual o destino correto ? “ Os medicamentos …

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UK – Government drafts laws on clean neighbourhoods

The UK Government has pledged to help clean-up our neighbourhoods and improve the local environment after publishing a Bill to tackle environmental crime and anti-social behaviour. The Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Bill, published by Defra, plays a key role in the Government‘‘s plan to create cleaner, safer, greener communities. It …

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Europe – EUCAR vehicle weight reduction and recycling study is critical of EU ELV Directive

EUCAR, the European Council for Automotive R&D, has completed a study on light and recyclable cars (LIRECAR). The study was co-funded by European Commission‘‘s research programme for competitive and sustainable growth. Its aim was to identify the environmental impacts and effectiveness of combinations of recycling/recovery and lightweight vehicle design options …

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Canada – recycling cash mystery deposited with minister

Tens of millions of dollars that Canadian have paid in recycling deposits over the past decade are largely unaccounted for, according to the province‘‘s auditor general. While Daryl Wilson said he‘‘s turned up no evidence that anyone is lining their pockets, in his annual report for 2004 he says the …

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Indústria de embalagens prevê melhoria no setor para 2005

APESAR DE ESTAR COM O OTIMISMO REFREADO, devido à queda de produção no ano passado, a indústria de embalagens já “respira aliviada” e acredita numa recuperação maior em 2005. Mas, ainda este ano, já voltaram a surgir investimentos no segmento de embalagens de PET e laminados, mesmo que ainda sejam …

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