
Japan – eco-friendly ship bottom paint developed

Researchers of the Nara Institute of Science and Technology have succeeded in developing an organotin-free substance for ship paint that does not leach out any organometallic compounds into the surrounding seawater. Japan for Sustainability (FfS) reports that the research team, led by Professor Michiya Fujiki and represented by Assistant Professor …

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Europe – recycling policy “too simplistic”

The European Union is becoming increasingly strict in its rules governing recycling in the automobile branch, but there seems to be little or no theoretical foundation for these rules. Antoinette van Schaik concludes this in her PhD thesis on car recycling, which she will defend on 8 December at TU …

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Do lixo nada se perde, tudo é transformado

A frase acima, que não é nova, foi dita pelo ecologista Ro-berto Almeida, coordenador municipal do Meio Ambiente, ao falar sobre a indústria da reciclagem do lixo. Enquanto não se chega a um acordo sobre o aterro sanitário, Almeida prega a ins-talação de um centro de triagem no Lixão. No …

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