Figures from the Welsh Assembly Government show a dramatic increase in recycling and composting in Wales, Minister for Environment, Planning and Countryside Carwyn Jones. The proportion of municipal waste being recycled or composted has risen from 12.7 per cent in 2002-03 to 17.6 per cent in 2003-04, excluding abandoned vehicles. …
Mais »Hong Kong – waste disposal regulations to be tabled
The Waste Disposal (Designated Waste Disposal Facility) (Amendment) Regulation 2004 and Waste Disposal (Charges for Disposal of Construction Waste) Regulation will be tabled at the Legislative Council on November 3. The regulations set out the implementation details of the construction waste disposal charging scheme and will be published in the …
Mais »UK – Government backs farms waste initiative
Farming bodies, suppliers, the waste management and recycling industries, the Environment Agency and Government joined forces last week to consider how to achieve the sustainable management of plastic waste from farms. In a conference organised by the Agricultural Waste Stakeholders‘‘ Forum at Regents College Conference Centre in London (14 October) …
Mais »US – New York City Mayor‘s trash plan would shift waste from trucks to barges
New York City Mayor Bloomberg has received high marks from officials and activists for his 20-year garbage plan to get trucks off the roads, strengthen recycling and make each borough responsible for its own waste. The NY publication Queens Chronicle reports that although the executive summary of the plan was …
Mais »Europe – new study compiles existing knowledge of recycling rates for eight materials
The European Environment Agency‘‘s Topic Centre on Waste and Material Flows has published a useful report Inventory of existing information on recycling of selected material flows. The study was carried out in support of the preparation of the EU Thematic Strategy on the Prevention and Recycling of Waste. The Topic …
Mais »Europe – response indicators & waste prevention
The European Environment Agency‘‘s Topic Centre on Waste and Material Flows has provided a useful note on waste prevention which may interest you. The concept of response indicators may help us deal with the challenge of developing sound, valid and generally accepted indicators for waste prevention. Indicator has become a …
Mais »Germany – new rules for drinks deposits
Amendments to Germany‘‘s Packing Ordinance agreed by the Bundesrat, Upper Parliamentary Chamber, would change the basis for deposits on single-use beverage containers. The existing regulation, linked to quotas, is set to be replaced by deposits on all drinks sold in ‘‘environmental damaging‘‘ containers. Colleagues in the Environment Team, British Embassy …
Mais »A Comissão Européia busca estratégia de desenvolvimento sustentável
A Comissão Européia busca estratégia de desenvolvimento sustentável A Comissão Européia (CE) lançou uma pesquisa de opinião sobre um projeto para desenvolver uma estratégia de desenvolvimento sustentável. O documento identifica algumas tendências importantes que ameaçam o desenvolvimento sustentável na UE e apresenta um conjunto de diretrizes políticas para diminuir esses …
Mais »RU – Oportunidade Perdida: novo relatório questiona objetivos baseados em peso e solicita 70% de reciclagem
RU – Oportunidade Perdida: novo relatório questiona objetivos baseados em peso e solicita 70% de reciclagem A política de Governo do RU está minando os esforços do RU de melhorar seu baixo recorde de reciclagem, discute sobre o Fórum para o Futuro em seu último relatório. O relatório, Wasted Opportunities …
Mais »Canadá – Conselho do Composto lança Aliança de Qualidade do Composto
Canadá – Conselho do Composto lança Aliança de Qualidade do Composto A Compost Quality Alliance [Aliança de Qualidade do Composto – CQA], programa voluntário fundado para apoiar a melhoria do desenvolvimento do mercado de adubo composto, foi oficialmente lançada em setembro na conferência anual do Composting Council of Canada [Conselho …
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