
Reciclagem de Baterias e Pilhas

As pilhas e baterias, quando descartadas em lixões ou aterros sanitários, liberam componentes tóxicos que contaminam o solo, os cursos d‘‘água e os lençóis freáticos, afetando a flora e a fauna das regiões circunvizinhas e o homem, pela cadeia alimentar. Devido a seus componentes tóxicos, as pilhas podem também afetar …

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UK – Government urges people to recycle

Environment Minister Elliot Morley has urged householders and businesses to recycle now and more often as he gave his backing to a major new multi-million pound recycling campaign being launched today by the Waste Resources Action Programme (WRAP), with support from Defra. The new campaign – Recycle Now – is …

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Visible waste management and new approach underway

The Carl Bro Group, an international consulting company based in Copenhagen, is assisting I/S Vestforbrænding in the development of a new waste management concept. The keywords are dynamism, clarity and digitisation, and the project allows a high degree of citizen participation. 28 municipalities I/S Vestforbrænding, the largest incineration plant in …

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Germany – computer recycling project gives PCs new lease of life

The Technical University (TU) of Berlin aims to become a sustainable university with help from the ReUse Computer project. The TU Berlin has recently taken delivery of its first ReUse computer, which also heralds new cooperation between the TU Berlin and the Re-Use Computer Association. The university hopes to save …

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UK – new composting plant opens

West London Composting (WLC) new plant, claimed to be the UK‘‘s first composting centre modelled on advanced European facilities, has now opened. The company has been established to partner with local authorities in a bid to help the Government increase the amount of household waste recycled from 15 per cent …

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UK – new Defra strategy for waste-related research – to inform policy on sustainable waste management

The UK Government‘‘s Department of Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra‘‘s) Chief Scientific Advisor, Professor Howard Dalton, has announced the publication of the research strategy which aims to deliver better-informed sustainable waste management policy development, and implementation, monitoring and evaluation, at both national and local levels. Professor Howard Dalton said: …

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India – Delhi turns to environmental-friendly roads

In another attempt to deal with environmentally hazardous plastic wastes, the Delhi Government has shown its keenness on using waste materials like plastic bags in making roads. The Pioneer reports that the authorities have decided to go ahead with the construction of plastic roads in the Capital. Delhi will be …

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UK – Compost use set to grow in organic farming sector

The use of compost in the UK‘‘s organic farming and growing industry could increase by more than 300 per cent over the next three years to around 120,000 tonnes per year and be worth nearly £1 million, according to a report published by WRAP (the Waste & Resources Action Programme). …

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A importância da reciclagem

O Brasil joga 5,8 bilhões de reais por ano no lixo. A constatação feita pelo economista Sabetai Calderon é estarrecedora já que corresponde a 17 vezes o orçamento destinado ao Ministério do Meio Ambiente. Para o engenheiro químico e administrador, Gerhard Erich Boehme, consultor da Boehme Brasil Consulting, este é …

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