
UK – report investigates health in safety in the waste management industry

Research for the UK Government‘‘s Heatlth & Safety Executive (HSE) ‘‘Mapping health and safety standards in the UK waste industry‘‘ indicates that there are currently around 162,500 people employed in the Waste Management industry. Many more are employed in other activities associated with specific recyclables and ancillary activities such as …

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Australia – Garbage to gold study indicates value of waste treatment

A study released by sustainability consultancy Nolan-ITU shows that treating waste rather than burying it in landfill can produce more than A$740 million worth of environmental benefits pa for Australia,. The “Triple Bottom Line Assessment of the UR-3R Process” examined the economic, environmental, and social performance of a new waste …

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Europe – world‘s largest PET LCA rehabilitates one-way bottles

Single-use PET beverage bottles face refillable glass on equal terms. This is the unexpected but clear result of the largest, uncompromising, scientific study on PET conducted by the renowned IFEU institute in Heidelberg, Germany. The study was commissioned by Petcore, the European trade association representing the interests of the PET …

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Italy – proposal to use waste to fuel eco-friendly ships

Getting rid of waste, fuelling ships, and at the same time using residual energy to fuel a desalinator and produce water to irrigate fields – too good to be true?. AGI reports that the proposal was made by Industriale Italia, a Neapolitan company that forecasts the use of an international …

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Australia – landfilling costs millions

The annual environmental cost of landfilling of putrescible waste in Australian major cities may exceed A$640 million per year, according to research undertaken as part of a soon-to-be-released study by sustainability consultancy, Nolan-ITU. In comparison, the cost of salinity to Australia amounts to A$243 million per year. The preliminary costing …

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Australia – smell of success in disposable nappy recycling

BY the time seven-month-old Jacob Lowry learns to use a potty, he will be responsible for more than 800 kg of the 111,200 tonnes of disposable nappies that fill Australian tips every year. Astounded by the statistic, Jacob‘‘s mother, Australian singer Marina Prior, has become the face of the nation‘‘s …

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United Arab Emirates (UAE) – Sharjah to boost recycling

Khaleej Times reports that about 50 per cent of collected waste in the UAE capital Sharjah can be utilised again through proper recycling to generate valuable materials, according to a recent study conducted by the Environment Protection Section and a German environment engineering advisory firm. The high organic content, which …

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As garrafas PET de refrigerantes representam um risco ao meio ambiente. As embalagens desse tipo de plástico são resistentes, mas acabam no lixo e levam mais de 100 anos para serem absorvidas pela natureza. Por isso, é muito bom não desperdiçar materiais recicláveis, que podem ser usados de outra forma. …

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A UNICEF alerta que, no Brasil, somente 15 a 20% dos resíduos sólidos urbanos têm destino final adequado. Cerca de 80% são colocados em lixões ou em aterros controlados, que são praticamente iguais aos lixões, apenas cobertos por uma simples camada de terra.

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