Um projeto inédito no mundo propõe evitar os enormes danos ambientais e as perdas econômicas causadas pela fabricação de pranchas de surfe na Grande Florianópolis. O estudo prevê a instalação de um centro comunitário de reciclagem para aproveitar os 70% dos resíduos desperdiçados no processo de produção desses artigos. Atualmente, …
Mais »Recycling artwork
It seemd to me that RRF could usefully build a resource of copyright-free clip-art and images associated with waste. Here is one resource, if you have or know of others please let me know – we will of course share the results. Our colleagues in New South Wales, Australia – …
Um pneu usado pode voltar a ter inúmeros usos ao ser reciclado. O processo, que envolve várias etapas, começa com a picotagem, lavagem e moagem da borracha até atingir a granulação desejada. Hoje, a maior parte é utilizada como combustível alternativo para fornos de indústrias de cimento e caldeiras, em …
Mais »Maryland, USA – state recycling rate approaches 40 per cent goal
Fifteen years ago, 90 per cent of the solid waste generated in Maryland went into landfills. The state’s recycling rate was an unimpressive 10 per cent. During 2002, however, Maryland’s waste diversion rate was almost 40 per cent, and the state is approaching an important recycling goal nearly three years …
Mais »Landfill Allowance Trading Scheme: England – Waste and Emissions Trading Act granted Royal Assent
The Waste and Emissions Trading Act has been granted Royal Assent. The aim of the new Act is to enable the UK to face two of the biggest environmental challenges – climate change and the need to move towards a more sustainable management of our waste. The UK already has …
Mais »A tono con la ecología, fabrican CDs con botellas de plástico usadas
Hechos con polietileno tereftalato, una resina muy reciclable y, por ende, muy económica, pueden almacenar hasta 20 GB de datos. Ya se están fabricando, pero empezarán a producirse en serie en 2007. Por Alessio Balbi. Hasta ahora, la batalla de los soportes digitales de archivo de datos (CDs, DVDs, discos …
Mais »Take the “Slow life” route to sustainable development
thought you might be interested in this item from the Japan for Sustainability organisation. It contains within it the seeds of an excuse when anything is late, but might also be of real interest in the cause of sustainability. “Do you feel restless when you’re not busy? Do you feel …
Mais »Steel packaging in the forefront of packaging recycling in Europe with a 60% recycling rate – Belgium tops the list
Steel packaging is being recycled in ever increasing volumes: the 2 million tonnes mark for recycled steel packaging was exceeded in 2002, representing an 8% growth in collected and recycled tonnage in Europe compared with the previous year. This means that the steel packaging industry has now reached its voluntary …
Mais »UK – Government urges agriculture sector to prepare for new controls on farm wastes
Farmers, horticulturalists, waste contractors and suppliers should start preparing now for new waste management controls for agriculture due in 2004. A comprehensive leaflet summarising the changes and opportunities along with other new information is released by the Agricultural Waste Stakeholders’ Forum. The new information includes: a summary document which highlights …
Mais »Japan – used cooking oil recycled as bio-diesel fuel
Japanese RCS is an incorporated nonprofit organization located in Kyoto, Japan, that aims to promote a resource-circulating society. It collects used cooking oil from restaurants and households in Kyoto City and recycles it into clean and environmentally friendly bio-diesel fuel Japan for sustainability (JfS) reports that at present households and …
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