
Hong Kong runs wet/dry waste separation pilot programme

In recent years, Hong Kong has been testing out various waste recovery systems in order to identify the modes that are the most cost-effective and will best suit local needs. Such systems include placement of waste separation bins at public venues and public/private housing estates to encourage public participation. A …

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Environment-aware Spaniards boost glass recycling

Spaniards are recycling 50 per cent more glass containers than four years ago, or almost 400,000 tonnes a year, industry organisation Ecovidrio said. “Increasing awareness and growth in the infrastructure necessary for recycling are the main motors,” said Ecovidrio, a non-profit body which is made up of glass manufacturers, recyclers …

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Mountain of garbage cleaned from Everest

For years, the slopes of the world’s highest peak, Mount Everest, were littered with heaps of oxygen bottles, food packets, tents, batteries, and other climbing paraphernalia left behind by mountaineers. “An estimated minimum of 290 tons and a maximum of 1,115 tons of garbage have been left in the area,” …

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Naples, Italy ready to send rubbish mountain north

The streets of Naples and the surrounding towns were piled high with rubbish after waste disposal centres announced that they had reached maximum capacity. The UK Guardian reports that officials were preparing to transport rubbish to the north amid fears that the Naples mafia was planning to cash in on …

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South Africa plastic bag tax arrives to mixed reaction

There has been a deal of media interest in the new plastic bag tax, introduced by the South African Government early in May. Here are some extracts (some before the tax was introduced, some after) from articles by the SA Broadcasting Corporation: South Africans not happy to pay for plastic …

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US EPA gears up for mercury lamp recycling programme

The US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) is seeking applications for the development and implementation of a mercury lamp recycling outreach programme. In FY 2002 Congress appropriated funds to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for the development and implementation of a lamp (light bulb) recycling outreach programme to increase awareness …

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