
Most Scots want to recycle rubbish but cannot, survey claims

Most people living in Scotland want to recycle their household waste but say there are not enough facilities allowing them to do so, according to a new report. However, Scotland’s actual recycling rate suggests that those surveyed in Scotland (in common with many other polls) tend to over-estimate their own …

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Australian PVC industry steps up environment commitment

Australian Minister for the Environment and Heritage, Dr David Kemp has launched a voluntary product stewardship commitment by the Vinyl Council of Australia to improve environmental performance in the polyvinyl chloride (PVC) industry. The commitment will promote more environmentally friendly practices in the production, use and disposal of PVC products …

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Glass goes Green – whatever the colour

Staff from the Centre for Environmental Studies in the Hospitality Industry at Oxford Brookes University are rolling up their sleeves and picking through the contents of rubbish bins at licensed premises across the district. The Glass Goes Green project, which aims to reduce the vast quantity of glass that is …

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Versão de caça-níqueis utiliza latas recicláveis

TERESA MENEGHEL/GP (MARINGÁ) Um comerciante de Maringá inventou a versão ecológica da máquina caça-níquel. É a caça-latas, uma máquina de aposta que, no lugar de moedas, aceita latinha de cerveja ou refrigerante vazia e sorteia prêmios que variam entre R$ 0,10 e R$ 5. Dois protótipos, instalados para testes num …

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Derrumbe de basura en un relleno sanitario de Navarro, Colombia.

Con mucha lástima les envío una fotografía que tome del derrumbe de aproximadamente 350.000 toneladas de material compacto compuesto por 250.000 metros cúbicos de basura y el resto de tierra, fue un movimiento mixto de rotación y de traslación con un desplazamiento aproximado de 30 metros, taponando el canal de …

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WasteWise update Global Warming…Is A Waste!

Waste reduction presents opportunities to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at every stage of a product’s life cycle. This document from the US EPA’s WasteWise programme provides an overview of the climate change and waste link and highlights WasteWise partners that have achieved GHG reductions by reusing products, recycling, and …

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Catadores na Colombia

Comunidade carente da cidade de Navarrese, na Colômbia, divide o lixo com os urubus. Autoridades pretendem desativar o lixão no fim de dezembro, o que está gerando protesto entre as pessoas que se alimentam ali

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Rubbish trading scheme to cut waste at landfill sites

‘Rubbish trading’ is the Government’s latest response to Britain’s waste crisis. Local councils will now have to buy and sell permits among themselves if they want to dump rubbish. The UK newspaper the Independent reports that this will provide an incentive to cut waste councils send to landfill: Council A …

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