
Plastics recycling with style

Brussels was the venue for and unusual fashion event earlier this year. To mark the launch of a packaging waste guide from the Association of cities for Recycling, a recycled plastic fashion show demonstrated the potencial these material offer to entirely new applications

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Action on waste mountain

The Government of Nepal has decided to ban the sale of bottled drinks around Mount Everest, the World´s highest peak, as this stream has become a real problem in the national park. Euwid Recycling & Waste Management reports that the local environmental agency hopes a switch from bottles to can …

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Carpet leasing

Interface Inc., in Atlanta, USA company which makes carpets, is pioneering carpet leasing – installing and maintaining carpets for a fee rather than selling them. This is the logical conclusion of the Producer Responsibility concept, where customers pay for the service they want (in this case a floor covering service), …

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Clothes back to the manufacturer

OTL Sportfashion Vertrieb, a German manufacturer has proposed a scheme to take back used clothes within five years of purchase. Purchasers receive a voucher to be presented with the clothes and retailers return clothing to OTL having refunded the value of the voucher to the customer

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Coffins of recycled material

In Germany coffins weighing only 12 kg made from 85% waste paper and which pack flat are on sale. Although they cost half the price of a wooden coffin, their appearance is similar. One of their advantages is reduced air pollution at crematoriums

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Recycling – New York style

You would probably imagine that New York City with its dense 8.2 million population and towering apartment blocks would struggle to cope with recycling. So how does it compare to London and its 7.6 million residents? Link:

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’Green’ Light Bulbs Pack Toxic Ingredient

Highly efficient fluorescent light bulbs are widely touted as environmentally friendly, but they have created a recycling headache for the EPA and local governments. More often than not, their toxic ingredients simply end up in landfills, where the chemicals can leach into soil and water and poison fish and other …

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