Congresso / Congress/ Congreso

Wastes from and for the Metallurgy

Waste management problems: generation; collection; storage; elimination of the environmental impacts of metallurgy. Scientific aspects and new waste utilization technologies: recycling of metal and non-metallic, organic and inorganic wastes; waste handling machines and equipment; waste treatment and reprocessing; economic aspects of waste utilization. Legislation: national aspects; harmonization of legislation between …

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IWA Asia Environmental Technology 2001

This conference aims to provide opportunities for presentations and discussions on topics crucial to these industries such as wastewater reuse, water purification, waste material reuse, policies and regulations, plans and future trends, public education and development of innovative waste treatment technologies. This conference therefore, not only targets researchers, academicians and …

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EcoTech – Scandinavian Environmental Technology Trade Fair

Waste and recycling technology, air and energy technology, environmentally efficient transport and traffic systems, water technolgy, process technology, environmental safety and material handling, land and nature conservation, noise and accoustics regulation, working environment and indoor climate, municipal environmental technology, geotechnology, measurement and control technology. Environmental Corporate Identity and Environmental Certificate …

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Abordará temas como gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos urbanos, tratamento de resíduos para aterramento,  projeto, implantação e operação de aterros sanitários e programas de cooperação técnica entre Brasil e Itália no campo do saneamento básico

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