Cursos / Taller /Cursos

Biomass Energy 101

The course can be attended as a stand-alone session but also provides an excellent way to introduce yourself to or refresh your knowledge of biomass energy before attending the ‘ Bioenergy Markets Turkey ‘ conference on the following days.

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Solid Waste Management

The course will be of interest to delegates wishing to understand the problems created by the introduction of solid wastes. The selection and design of appropriate methods of storage, collection, transfer, treatment and disposal in both industrialised and developing countries are covered. The environmental consequences of disposal techniques are also …

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Gestão e Gerenciamento de Resíduos Sólidos

A Associação Brasileira de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental – ABES-CE, estará realizando o curso: Gestão e Gerenciamento de Resíduos Sólidos Industriais no período de 03 a 07 de maio de 2010, horário de 17:30 às 22 horas na ABES-CE. Auditório Engº José de Andrade Morais – Rua Padre Luis Figueira, …

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The Waste Training Institute

The Waste Training Institute is a NEW industry-specific business training initiative designed to help employees in small-, medium and large- waste services companies run their businesses better, smarter, more effectively. The Waste Institute will be introduced at WasteExpo 2009 during a free session open to all attendees and exhibitors on …

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Objetivo – Ao final do curso, os participantes serão capazes de: preparar estratégias de regionalização de serviços públicos de saneamento básico; interpretar e aplicar as leis 11.107/2005 e 11.445/2007 na gestão integrada dos resíduos sólidos urbanos; bem como as resoluções CONAMA e ANVISA relativas à gestão de resíduos da construção …

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