
Raising recycling Awareness

Public awareness remains the single biggest barrier to improving recycling rates across the country. Successful community engagement through consultation, advertising and focused promotional activity has a proven impact on long-term participation in recycling schemes. This is a constant process vital to meeting shifting targets which you cannot afford to ignore. …

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Hillhead 2007 – The International Quarrying & Recycling Show

Whether it is making contact with new prospects, or renewing old acquaintances with existing customers, The International Quarrying & Recycling Show is all about meeting people and developing business relationships. Famed for its uniquely vibrant, yet ’down to earth’ atmosphere, the exhibition is a hive of activity that buzzes with …

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Gestão do Sistema Médico-Hospitalar, Proteção Ambiental e Biotecnologia

O objetivo do programa é propiciar aos alunos a oportunidade de intercâmbio acadêmico, cultural e empresarial, de maneira a ampliar os conceitos obtidos até então nos cursos de Graduação e Pós-Graduação e agregar novos conhecimentos, focos diferenciados de negócios, sobretudo voltados para área médica, odontológica, farmacêutica, ambiental e industrial. É …

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