
Bioplastics 2006 – Showcasing innovation to optimise performance and drive commercialisation of bioplastics

Established as the world`s first and longest running bioplastics conference, Bioplastics 2006, is even bigger and better this year. The conference will cover: brand-owner and retailer needs, advances in technology which will enhance the barrier performance of bioplastics, an update on the state of the international bioplastics market, new and …

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Waste 2006

Waste 2006 follows the tradition established by Waste 2000, Waste 2002 and Waste 2004 of a biennial International Conference which debates the latest strategic planning & regulatory guidance, the best applied research to help achieve these goals, and the showcasing of practical and cost-effective solutions to regulatory requirements

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ISWA Annual Congress 2006

The Congress tells the stories on how countries, municipalities and industries in time have adapted and developed according to the new demands and targets placed upon the modern waste management systems. The Congress discusses the future needs for decision – making models in a world of complexity, where means of …

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Gestão de Resíduos em Serviços de Saúde

Objetivo: Capacitar gestores de unidades de saúde, fiscalizadores ou consultores a identificar os impactos ambientais e alguns dos principais riscos para funcionários e pacientes decorrentes das atividades desenvolvidas nos diversos setores hospitalares, habilitando-os a discutir soluções, implementar e gerenciar, de forma integrada com as demais unidades, programas de controle para …

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1. OBJETIVOS Orientar os participantes a conhecerem o ambiente em que vivemos e a importância da educação ambiental no sentido de minimizar as interferências do homem sobre o meio. Orientar os participantes a conhecer as alternativas econômicas e ambientais de destinação de resíduos sólidos. Orientar os participantes sobre procedimentos para …

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