The first edition of EWW Expo 2004 will be launched in Poland. Poland has made an excellent transition to an open market economy and is more than capable of competing with EU economies. However there is still a lot of work to be done to complete the transformation and given …
Mais »Research Council Sponsored Seminar Series on Transdisciplinary Approaches to Waste Management: Landfill Directive
The ESRC Centre for Business Relationships, Accountability, Sustainability and Society (BRASS) is hosting this seminar – the sixth of a series of eight on issues of waste management. The Landfill Directive aims to reduce negative effects of waste disposal on the environment, and to prevent pollution caused by surface and …
Mais »XI Congreso Iberoamericano de Residuos
Organizado por ATEGRUS, este Congreso desarrollará jornadas que contienen reflexiones, propuestas de todos los aspectos legislativos, técnicos, económicos y sociales dirigidos a la Administración Estatal, universidades, asociaciones ambientales, ayuntamientos, Diputaciones, Cabildos, Comunidades Autónomos, empresas del sector tanto de prestación de servicios, suministros, fabricantes de bienes de equipo, deinstalaciones y gestores …
Mais »7ª Conferência Anual de Resíduos Industriais
Regulamentação e Novas Técnicas para Controle, Reutilização, Tratamento e Disposição Final de Resíduos Industriais
Mais »The Second Caribbean Environmental Forum & Exhibition
ReciclaMaisExpo 2004
O grande encontro de remanufaturadores da América Latina. Exposição de fornecedores e distribuidores de produtos e equipamentos para reciclagem de cartuchos de impressoras
Mais »International Automobile Recycling Congress
All experts in the field of automobile recycling will meet at this important congress
Mais »5th Annual Recycled Product Trade Show
The Recycled Product Trade Show is an exciting and informative event presented by the California Integrated Waste Management Board. It is a unique opportunity for suppliers and government and private sector buyers to meet and discuss recycled-content products and environmentally preferable products and services. This year's show will highlight sustainable …
Mais »Greening the Heartland 2004: Beyond Sustainability
Greening the Heartland 2004: Beyond Sustainability, a leading green building and sustainability conference for the region will offer an impressive slate of plenary session speakers at its inaugural conference
Mais »EnviroExpo 2004
EnviroExpo 2004 will bring together thousands of decision makers – EH&S professionals from business and industry, utility representatives, state & federal regulatory officials, local government officials, academia and the environmental industry – to meet with manufacturers and service providers
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