WasteExpo is the largest tradeshow in North America serving the $43 billion solid waste and recycling market.WasteExpo is THE definitive Conference and Exhibition for ALL waste and recycling professionals. No other industry event comes close to the size and scope of WasteExpo
The Solar Energy Society of India (SESI) is the apex body for all renewable energy including Solar, Bio fuel, cells and such new technologies. It is being headed by, Dr.V.Bakthavatsalam as President. As you might be aware, Dr. V. Bakthavatsalam was till recently the Managing Director of IREDA, which is …
Mais »15th Annual Waste Reduction, Recycling and Composting Symposium and 8th Annual Collection & Transfer Symposium
Make plans to join SWANA at this annual gathering of industry leaders. Brochures for this event will be mailed in November. www.swana.org will also be updated regularly with additional information
Mais »GLOBE 2004
GLOBE 2004 is the 8th event in a series of biennial conferences and trade fairs on the business of the environment. From March 31st to April 2nd, GLOBE 2004 will bring together government decisions makers, corporate executives, and environmental technology innovators from around the world to discuss current trends and …
Mais »Maestría en Ciencias de Salud con área de concentración en: SALUD AMBIENTAL
El programa se desarrolla durante dos años, hasta cubrir satisfactoriamente los 106 créditos. El primer año es de carácter fundamentalmente teórico, con dos componentes (básico e intermedio), cada uno en un semestre; durante el segundo año se realiza el trabajo de tesis, que culmina con la presentación de un examen …
Mais »Curso de Especialização em Gestão Ambiental – 2004
OBJETIVOS: Capacitar profissionais de todas as áreas de formação para a gestão ambiental de atividades, projetos e programas, tanto do setor privado, quanto de órgãos governamentais e desenvolver uma abordagem interdisciplinar e holística da questão ambiental, visando uma perspectiva integrada da gestão do meio ambiente. Oferecer ferramentas para a compreensão …
Mais »Growing the Industry – 12th Annual Conference and Trade Show
The Annual Conference has become the Composting Industry's premiere event, providing industry professionals with educational, networking, and career advancement opportunities
Mais »Enviro-Pro TECOMEX 2004
Mexico and Latin America's most important international environmental conference and exhibition
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