É o primeiro de uma série de eventos internacionais sobre projetos, indústrias e oportunidades relacionados ao gás combustível.
Mais »VII Latin America Workshop and Symposium on Anaerobic Digestion
Contact: Adalberto Noyola Institute of Engineering National University Of Mexico Apartado Postal 70-472 Ciudad Universitaria Coyoacán 04510 D.F. MEXICO Fax: ++ 52- 5616 2798
Mais »4th Annual Recycled Product Trade Show
The Recycled Product Trade Show is a unique opportunity for manufacturers, suppliers, and retailers to showcase their recycled-content products (RCPs). This year's event promises to be better than ever, attracting thousands of purchasers of recycled-content and other environmentally preferable products from the public and private sectors.
Mais »SWANA Training Center
SWANA is offering both a two day and a three day training course. The two day course focuses on Landfill Operational Issues where the three day course focuses on Managing MSW Collection Systems, Managing MSW Transfer Systems, Principles of Management of MSW Systems, and Managing Composting Programs.
Mais »33rd Annual BioCycle National Conference
Three day event on advancing the application of composting and organics recycling on municipal and industrial, as well as agricultural levels. Sessions to address managing manure, drought relief strategies using compost, new ways to reclaim mineland
Mais »8th Annual Landfill Symposium and the Solid Waste Managers Conference
Evento abordará projetos e operação de aterros sanitários e gerenciamento dos resíduos sólidos
Mais »13th Annual Recycling & Composting Conference
Join recycling, composting and solid waste professionals from around the state at PROP's 13th Annual Recycling & Composting Conference. This year's theme is
Mais »Manager of Landfil Operations Course
Curso abordará técnicas para o gerenciamento da operação de aterrros sanitários para resíduos sólidos urbanos
Mais »WASTECON 2003
WASTECON hosts technical sessions on a variety of topics, exhibits from over 250 vendors, and a large section of high quality training opportunities! You will have countless opportunities to meet face to face with attendees from two important markets, the public and private sectors. Over 90% of WASTECON attendees are …
Mais »Bloco dos garis sairá na quarta-feira de cinza em Natal/RN.
Quarta-feira de cinza, o carnaval da Redinha terá mais uma atração, com o primeiro ano do bloco "Gari na Folia". O bloco sairá às 8h do Bar do Cajueiro em direção ao mercado público da Redinha, o encerramento será na Praça do Cruzeiro onde ocorrerá o encontro dos garis com …
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