
Renwable Energy World 2012

Renewable Energy World India 2012 combines with HydroVision India and POWER-GEN India & Central Asia to showcase state-of-the-art services and technologies across the entire renewable, hydro and thermal power sector, all under one roof. Exhibiting at Renwable Energy World India 2012 presents an unrivalled opportunity for start-up and established companies …

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35th Landfill Gas Symposium

The 35th Annual Landfill Gas conference takes an in depth look at beneficial use, methane offset projects, available tax and carbon credits, greenhouse gas issues and legislative and regulatory developments. This focus will provide participants with the information and resources they need to expand and improve the sustainability and economic …

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20th Annual North American Waste-to-Energy Conference

Co-sponsored by the Energy Recovery Council (ERC), the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), the Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA), and in partnership with the Waste-to-Energy Research and Technology Council (WTERT) at Columbia University, the North American Waste-to-Energy Conference (NAWTEC) is widely recognized as the LEADING industry technical …

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2012 Global Waste Management Symposium

The Global Waste Management Symposium (GWMS) serves as a forum for the presentation of both applied and fundamental research and case studies on waste management. This 3-day event serves the needs of the landfill community within the solid waste and recycling industry and welcomes participants from the community of designers, …

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Road to Zero Waste Conference

Join SWANA‘s Recycling & Special Waste Division in Austin as we continue to explore "The Road to Zero Waste." Featuring a variety of zero waste experts and case studies, this two-day event will provide the latest information on zero waste initiatives and practical advice on how your community can utilize …

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WM 2012 Conference

The annual Waste Management (WM) Conference, presented by WM Symposia (WMS), is widely regarded as the premier international conference for the management of radioactive material and related topics. WMS is a non-profit organization dedicated to education and opportunity in waste management. It was founded to provide a forum for discussing …

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