In the 2017 science fiction film Attraction, an alien spaceship arrives on Earth, kicking off an unconventional love story between a human and an alien, with the fate of our planet in the balance. Link to full article
Mais »DIY Compost Bin Step-by-Step: Build a Worm Farm to Reduce Waste, Create Fertile Soil
This (surprisingly) not-gross project gives you a steady supply of plant food. Link to full article
Mais »Carton recycling initiative begins in Vietnam
Beverage cartons are the focus of a new initiative run by Circular Action, a BV Rio group company, in partnership with Tetra Pak and Packaging Recycling Organisation Vietnam (PRO Vietnam). The pilot project intends to provide a recycling solution and deliver additional income to around 200 informal waste pickers. Link …
Mais »DIY Compost Bin Step-by-Step: Build a Worm Farm to Reduce Waste, Create Fertile Soil
This (surprisingly) not-gross project gives you a steady supply of plant food. Link to full article
Mais »Plastic film recycling system contributes to sustainable agricultural devt in SW China‘s Yunnan
"I‘ve been using plastic film since I started growing flue-cured tobacco. In the past, the waste plastic film was discarded in the farmland and the river, which presented a shocking scene. Link to full article
Mais »Edinburgh’s rubbish mountains bring value of waste workers ‘into sharp focus’
The leader of Edinburgh Council has said the mountains of rubbish on its streets has brought “into sharp focus” the value of its waste and cleaning workers. Link to full article
Mais »Waste to energy: Lessons from Japan
The objections to gasification have not changed since the technology was invented: too expensive, too maintenance-intensive, not efficient enough in comparison with conventional incineration. Only Japan has been able to do better. Why is this? Link to full article
Mais »Heat Recovery from Compost: It‘s getting hot in here!
Composting does not only help get rid of biowaste while creating useful fertilizer and planting soil. Compost piles also produce heat. Heat that can be used as renewable energy to heat houseswater. Link to full article
Mais »Learn how San Francisco is leading the way on California’s organic waste recycling from Recology’s Robert Reed
No one said implementing SB 1383 would be easy. Well, except possibly someone in San Francisco, a city that has been successfully collecting food scraps for 25 years and has already set a North American record for composting and recycling. Link to full article
Mais »Herefordshire could be first to collect food waste by bike
The local authority believes it would be the first in the country to collect the waste in this way, although it noted a similar scheme was already under way in Paris. Link to full article
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