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Finding room to grow almost anywhere

Anyone can turn a yardeven a few pots into beautiful food, says Los Angeles gardening guru Lauri Kranz. Link:

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Charity teaches recycling in Kenya

It will use a grant from the Department for International Development (DfID) to spread recycling skills in Kwa-Muhia on the southern shore of Lake Naivasha, an internationally important wetland site. Link:

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Can‘t win fight against plastic waste without recycling

Recently on Capitol Hill, the plastics industry gathered congressional staff and reporters together to highlight a billion-dollar campaign designed to rid the ocean of plastic. At the event, Sens. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) and Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska) announced the reintroduction of legislation to achieve that same goal. Link:

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Garden Compost

Acadiana its time for another edition of your lawn and garden. Weeds over here, weeds over there, weeds everywhere. I don‘t want weeds anywhere. Is that a good segway into mulch? Link:

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Landsec launches textile recycling drive

One of the UK’s largest retail property owners will trial a textile recycling scheme, which it hopes would provide a potential alternative to a ‘recycling tax’ on new garments. Link:

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Recycling systems need national rethink

Australia‘s recycling system needs a "complete transformation" if all packaging is to be recyclablereusable by 2025, a new study of the nation‘s waste reveals. Link:

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