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Young science stars turn food waste into cutlery, grow plants on moon and help improve memory

As pressure mounts to find ways to eliminate single-use plastic, two innovative students may have found one answer after developing a way of turning food waste into cutlery for everyday use. Link:

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E-Waste management a major health hazard

NEW DELHI: As industries all over the country are taking initiatives to curb electronic waste (e-Waste), reports suggest that e-Waste management has become a major environmental and public health hazard. Link:

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These Two Dutch Students Create 3D-Printed Snacks From Food Waste

According to the FAO, every year, roughly one-third of all the food produced for human consumption gets lostwasted. That’s about 1.3 billion tonnes. Unsurprisingly, fruits and vegetables have the highest wastage rates of any food. Link:

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