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A Carbon Gas Captor Device by adsorption in carbon gas chemical reaction with aqueous solution, capable of reducing the emission or the percentage of carbon gas (carbon dioxide) of the atmosphere Link:

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Why Compost With Worms?

As we progress on our worm composting project, many folks have asked us why we are doing this. We really thought the questions would be how, so we pause to give a few reasons why this should be done, then you can have fun with the how Link:

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Why Compost With Worms?

As we progress on our worm composting project, many folks have asked us why we are doing this. We really thought the questions would be how, so we pause to give a few reasons why this should be done, then you can have fun with the how Link to full …

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Recycling plastic is not as green as you think

FOR many, plastic is one of humanity’s greatest sins against the environment, a wrong for which only recycling can atone. In the past five years, recycling rates have soared as greater awareness of the harm plastic causes has spread Link:

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