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Is recycling waste just a rubbish idea?

Rural councils have recently complained they can’t afford to recycle, but does it really matter if we separate our cardboard from our plastic and are trips to the bottle bank just a waste of time? Link:

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From Cairo’s trash, a model of recycling

Cairo — At a school unlike any in the Middle East, 15-year-old Magdi Shenuda learns how to use a computer to track the number of plastic bottles he recycled in the past month. Link:

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San Francisco to test turning dog waste into power

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – San Francisco, a leader in urban recycling, is preparing to enlist its canine population for a first in the United States: converting dog poop into energy. Link:

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Expert to help measure landfill waste

Louisville officials are looking for help to determine how quickly the Outer Loop Landfill is filling up. Officials can’t tell whether an experimental process for digesting and compacting waste is working as well as the landfill’s manager, Waste Management Inc., had promised. So they have hired a University of Louisville …

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Expert to help measure landfill waste

Louisville officials are looking for help to determine how quickly the Outer Loop Landfill is filling up. Officials can’t tell whether an experimental process for digesting and compacting waste is working as well as the landfill’s manager, Waste Management Inc., had promised. So they have hired a University of Louisville …

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Fuel-Gas Production from Waste Plastics

The Research Institute for Environmental Management Technology (RIEMT) of the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan, has developed direct gasification technology to obtain fuel gas derived from waste plastics. Link:

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Fuel-Gas Production from Waste Plastics

The Research Institute for Environmental Management Technology (RIEMT) of the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan, has developed direct gasification technology to obtain fuel gas derived from waste plastics. Link to full article

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