Home composting can shed load off workers. About 50-70 of Indian households generate waste that is organic in nature Link:
Mais »Seattle will soon have the world‘s first human composting facility
heres probably nothing more personal than the feeling of experiencing the death of a loved one and everyone has different ways of dealing with the tragedy. In this regard, the city of Seattle in Washington decided to introduce the worlds first human composting facility that will allow people to turn …
Mais »London lockdown sees spike in outdoor waste burning
Firefighters in London have seen a spike in bonfires as Londoners take to burning waste at home during the Coronavirus lockdown. Link:
Mais »Survey launched to treat surplus organic waste generated by COVID-19 lockdown
In response to the increase in organic waste surpluses caused by the Covid-19 lockdown, ADBA and the REA have launched a joint survey that will match organic waste producers to their nearest AD operators. Link:
Mais »Campaign to help people in Scotland manage their waste during COVID-19 crisis
To help householders and businesses manage their waste during the COVID-19 crisis, Zero Waste Scotland, SEPA, COSLA and the Scottish Government have launched a campaign to raise awareness of changes to local waste collections, providing guidance and directing people to up-date-information. Link:
Mais »Plantan árboles en el Relleno Sanitario
Across the world, the foundations are being laid for sustainable solutions for unrecyclable polymers. Will Simpson explores how one Costa Rican company is turning plastic waste into building blocks Link:
Mais »Recology advocates for continued recycling, composting amid stay-at-home orders
Recology says being vigilant in collecting these items remains critical during COVID-19 pandemic. Link:
Mais »Biodegradable, a Magic Word for Environmentally-Minded Consumers, Isnt Always a Green Panacea
Next to empty shelves where toilet paper used to be is a stretch of aisle stacked with trash bags, disposable cups, and cutlery at a Whole Foods in Seattle. Link:
Mais »Life after lockdown: Cities around the world roll out their reopening plans
Many cities are tentatively preparing to ease coronavirus lockdowns – but doing so will be a tricky balancing act. Here‘s what different cities have planned, from Bogota to Berlin. Link:
Mais »Jakartas Trash Mountain: When People Are Desperate for Jobs, They Come Here
The scavengers who make a living picking plastic, metal and even bones from a huge landfill face additional misery as the global economic slowdown closes the recycling centers they count on. Link:
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