BENGALURU: With spring round the corner, thousands of trees across the city are already shedding leaves, littering roads and private/public spaces. Link:
Mais »Businesses launch sustainability partner program
Responding to the simultaneous growth of community environmental stewardship attitudes, growing mountains of landfill pollution and emergence of services to help people recycle and compost, two local businesses have formed a partnership to promote sustainability in an easy and affordable manner. Link:
Mais »Lee launches biodegradable jeans that can be thrown in the compost bin when youre done with them
Despite sustainable clothing developments in recent years, the fashion industry is still having a substantial negative effect on the environment. Link:
Mais »How to Make Vermicompost at Home Check Step-by-Step Process
Composting is a great option to reduce environmental impact and prepare a natural and beneficial soil additive. But, many of you may not have sufficient outdoor space at home for a traditional compost heap. Link:
Mais »Food (waste) for thought
It doesnt have to smell, it doesnt have to draw flies, and it doesnt have to draw rodents. Food waste, according to Glenn Gilbert, director of facilities, doesnt have to be gross. Link:
Mais »Composting: Benefits and Tips
MANKATO, Minn. (KEYC) – In the United States alone people send more food to the landfill than any other type of waste. Participating in city composting is a way to turn that waste into compost, a valuable material for soil for growing food. Link:
Mais »UK universities develop biopolymers recycling technique
Researchers from the Universities of Bath and Birmingham claim progress on recycling plant-based plastics such as PLA. Link:
Mais »Ball Corp. touts aluminum bottles as sustainable option
Packaging firm says its infinitely recyclable containers provide an alternative to plastic in several packaging applications. Link:
Mais »New York City Isnt Doing Great When it Comes to Recycling, Heres Why and How You Can Help!
New York Citys Department of Sanitation reported that New York City recycles 18 of trash from homes and 25 of trash from businesses. The city isnt doing as well as SeattleSan Francisco, according to the New York Times. Link:
Mais »Revolutionary New Recycling Method for Plastic and Waste is Killing Two Birds With One Stone
Carbon capturing and carbon sequestering, meaning the uptake and storage of CO2 molecules in a solid object, like a buildinga tree which it cant escape from, is one of the many tools for entrepreneurs, manufacturers, and businessmen, who want to do their part to combat the climate crisis. Link:
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