
Erode all set to dustbin-free city by year-end

To improve solid waste management and to prevent residents from dumping garbage on roads, Erode City Municipal Corporation would soon be inducting 70 battery-operated vehicles and 30 other vehicles to transport the collected garbage to the compost yard.


To improve solid waste management and to prevent residents from dumping garbage on roads, Erode City Municipal Corporation would soon be inducting 70 battery-operated vehicles and 30 other vehicles to transport the collected garbage to the compost yard.

Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: Latest News, Notícias

Collecting, Treating & Redistributing Leachate

Leachate is a common contaminant capable of seeping into our water supply. Fortunately, there are steps that can be taken in order to minimize any negative impacts of leachate harmful contaminants. In order to understand these important steps, it’s crucial to understand leachate.


Leachate is a common contaminant capable of seeping into our water supply. Fortunately, there are steps that can be taken in order to minimize any negative impacts of leachate harmful contaminants. In order to understand these important steps, it’s crucia

Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: Latest News, Notícias

El primer mundo no sabe dónde echar sus residuos. Filipinas se niega a ser su vertedero

Canadá se ha comprometido a recoger este jueves las 2.450 toneladas de basura que envió a este país entre 2013 y 2014. Pese a que este último país recibe “plásticos reciclables sin trazas de materiales tóxicos”, muchos de los contenedores de residuos en sus puertos están atestados con desechos sin clasificar.


Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: Las Últimas, Notícias

Would you like to be cremated, buried -composted? Oregonians like new Washington law

"I just support more and more ways that we can interact with our environment that are conscious and self-supporting and sustaining," said Kim Fairbairn of Eugene, "and if that includes being more natural in our burial practices, that‘s probably a good thing."


Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: Latest News, Notícias

elefónica reutilizó cinco millones de dispositivos en 2018 y recicló 10.000 toneladas de residuos

Esos equipos son, fundamentalmente, teléfonos móviles, routers y decodificadores, que, cuando su reutilización no es posible, su reciclaje es la mejor opción, pensando siempre en fomentar la economía circular como nueva forma de entender la economía, enfocada en mejorar la eficiencia en el uso de recursos, disminuir la dependencia de materias primas y mitigar el cambio climático.


Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: Las Últimas, Notícias