
COMMENT: Exporting Waste to Europe post-Brexit

Andrew Sawers explains that since the surprise result of the Brexit vote, Britain has faced increasing uncertainty on trade deals and the importing and exporting of goods, with this being no different in the waste sector


Andrew Sawers explains that since the surprise result of the Brexit vote, Britain has faced increasing uncertainty on trade deals and the importing and exporting of goods, with this being no different in the waste sector

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Assunto: Latest News, Notícias

They used worms to make compost now they must dig out of regulatory hole

For years, Ed and Dale Hubbard used worms to turn organic waste into “black gold.”
Their vermicomposting firm, Nature’s Little Recyclers, had three locations churning out rich, coveted compost they could sell. Their clients included the Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum, as well as Chicago Public Schools and the Chicago Park District.


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Assunto: Latest News, Notícias

Consider The Farm as the new compost site for city, county

Since 1990 The Winona Farm compost site has been open every day from dawn until dark with no government assistance. In 2000 I asked the city street department if we could have a couple loads of leaves and they’ve brought an average 400 truck loads of street leaves every fall since, because Bruce Reed has never accepted street leaves and wet leaves don’t burn.


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Assunto: Latest News, Notícias

El Corte Inglés en Galicia, ejemplo en la gestión de residuos

El Grupo El Corte Inglés recibió ayer la certificación de Residuo Cero de AENOR, para todos sus centros de Galicia –Santiago, Vigo, Ramón y Cajal y Marineda en A Coruña–, así como las plataformas logísticas de Altamira y Porriño.


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Assunto: Las Últimas, Notícias