Laws aren’t always enough. It took education and leadership at many levels, but the people of San Fernando, Philippines, cleaned up their city.
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Laws aren’t always enough. It took education and leadership at many levels, but the people of San Fernando, Philippines, cleaned up their city.
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Assunto: | Latest News, Notícias |
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It’s that time of year again when the grass gets greener, the trees spring back to life and University of Massachusetts students make their way out of their dorms for the first time since fall. The grass starts to get greener through help from UMass’ Grounds department, its Landscapes Services crews and especially from composting.
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En Facebook un joven nos mostró el preciso instante en que descubrió a una increíble criatura marina, cuando limpiaba las playas de su ciudad. El joven creyó que se trataban de desechos plásticos y se llevó tremenda sorpresa.
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Assunto: | Las Últimas, Notícias |
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Alumnos de la escuela El Pilar de Premià de Mar han denunciado los vertidos de plásticos al mar con una obra que se expondrá en la planta de residuos de Mataró
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Assunto: | Las Últimas, Notícias |
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Con el objetivo de tener cero residuos, esta empresa cuenta con diversos procesos y producción que la convierten en un baluarte en materia de sustentabilidad dentro de su rubro.
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Assunto: | Las Últimas, Notícias |
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Switching to plastic made from plants instead of fossil fuels would require vast amounts of farmland, Huang said. This could could cause environmental problems and deprive humans of food.
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Their multi-can packs will replace plastic with cardboard which the company says will be sustainably sourced, recyclable and fully biodegradable.
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Bariloche.- El intendente municipal Gustavo Gennuso se reunió con el secretario de Planificación del Ministerio del Interior. La ciudad ya cuenta con tres propuestas para reconvertir las 200 toneladas de basura generadas cada día.
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Assunto: | Las Últimas, Notícias |
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Plastic waste desecrating beaches and riversoozing out of the ruptured belly of a dead fish – these disturbing images seem to be ubiquitous. Consequently, the image of plastics has never been as negative as it is today, and discussions regarding the use of plastics have rarely been so emotionally charged.
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Assunto: | Latest News, Notícias |
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Las denuncias por falta de limpieza y recogida de residuos han aumentado un 5 más
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Assunto: | Las Últimas, Notícias |
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