Question: Can I put flyers and junk mail and newspapers in a composting bin? Any other suggestions on what shouldshouldn’t be composted?
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Question: Can I put flyers and junk mail and newspapers in a composting bin? Any other suggestions on what shouldshouldn’t be composted?
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Assunto: | English, Latest News, Notícias |
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Solid waste management is a vast, multidimensional, and expensive challenge. And it is growing — the World Bank projects that municipal solid waste streams will nearly double worldwide by 2025. Municipal solid waste landfills are the third largest source of global methane emissions, and open garbage burning emits black carbon and other air toxics as well as greenhouse gases.
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Practically everyone knows just how tough concrete is, but scientists in Denmark say that they have found a way to make it even stronger.
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Assunto: | English, Latest News, Notícias |
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Researchers have developed a process for turning waste plastic bags into a high-tech nanomaterial.
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Assunto: | Latest News, Notícias |
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Researchers have developed a process for turning waste plastic bags into a high-tech nanomaterial.
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Assunto: | English, Latest News, Notícias |
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Practically everyone knows just how tough concrete is, but scientists in Denmark say that they have found a way to make it even stronger.
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Assunto: | Latest News, Notícias |
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Participants at the first-ever e-Waste Academy for policymakers and small businesses, organised in Accra, Ghana by the Global e-Sustainability Initiative (GeSI) and StEP – a partnership of several UN organisations, industry, government, NGOs and the science sector – have heard how electronic waste now contains precious metal "deposits" 40 to 50 times richer than ores.
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Assunto: | English, Latest News |
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Participants at the first-ever e-Waste Academy for policymakers and small businesses, organised in Accra, Ghana by the Global e-Sustainability Initiative (GeSI) and StEP – a partnership of several UN organisations, industry, government, NGOs and the science sector – have heard how electronic waste now contains precious metal "deposits" 40 to 50 times richer than ores.
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Assunto: | Latest News, Notícias |
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Participants at the first-ever e-Waste Academy for policymakers and small businesses, organised in Accra, Ghana by the Global e-Sustainability Initiative (GeSI) and StEP – a partnership of several UN organisations, industry, government, NGOs and the science sector – have heard how electronic waste now contains precious metal "deposits" 40 to 50 times richer than ores.
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Assunto: | English, Latest News, Notícias |
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GARBAGE: Local system could provide disposal model for smaller communities.
Chilkat Valley News
(Published: May 9, 2003)
HAINES A new garbage composting system here is being watched closely by small towns around the nation as a possible solution to solid waste disposal.
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Assunto: | English, Latest News |
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