
Logística reversa permite que Faber-Castell recicle 2 milhões de itens.

Um programa de logística reversa criado em parceria com o TerraCycle permitiu que a Faber-Castell conseguisse coletar 2 milhões de instrumentos de escrita para reciclagem. A empresa alcançou a marca nesta semana, mesmo em meio à pandemia, em uma ação que reúne mais de 5 mil pontos de coleta, reduzindo de maneira significativa o impacto do setor de papelaria, que produz milhares de produtos todos os anos, principalmente na volta às aulas.

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Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: Notícias, Português, Últimas Notícias

Copenhill, BIG’s skiable waste-to-energy power plant, gets sweeping new photos from Hufton + Crow

British architectural photography studio Hufton + Crow has released new images of the Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG)-designed Amager Bakke, a combined heat-and-power waste-to-energy power plant on the industrial outskirts of Copenhagen that famously doubles as a vertiginous outdoor urban recreational hub—a hub that’s no doubt getting plenty of good use lately as life shifts outdoors during the coronavirus pandemic.

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Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: English, Latest News, Notícias

Waste not, want not: the future of Energy from Waste

A common complaint of the grumpy middle-aged European academic is the creeping Americanisation of language. An example often cited is ‘garbage’, although the pedants amongst us know that garbage was originally an English word that went to America with the pilgrims on the Mayflower and has only recently come back to its mother country via the medium of television. I was musing on this whilst watching an American program on the Discovery channel about Roman ‘garbage’ dumps and hence the inevitable segue into a blog about rubbish.

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Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: English, Latest News, Notícias

Com sistema 100 mecanizado, Lucas do Rio Verde/MT é referência em coleta de lixo de resíduos sólidos

Quando o sistema foi aplicado, Lucas era o terceiro município do país a adotá-lo, com um investimento de R 5 milhões. As últimas melhorias tratam de R 283 mil para aquisição de uma esteira elevada com capacidade para 20 pessoas, e R 600 mil para recuperação de uma rampa.

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Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: Notícias, Português, Últimas Notícias

Reverse Logistics by waste collector Cooperatives

Early in 2013, in collaboration with the National Association of Catadores (waste pickers), BVRio developed a system of Reverse Logistics Credits to assist companies to meet their obligations under the law while rewarding Catadores for the services of reverse logistics and recycling that they provide to companies, the government and society as a whole.

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Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: English, Latest News, Notícias