
Lançamento do SIGOR – Sistema Estadual de Gerenciamento Online de Resíduos Sólidos – Módulo MTR – Manifesto de Transporte de Resíduos

No dia 16 de dezembro, às 10h, aconteceu o Lançamento do SIGOR – Sistema Estadual de Gerenciamento Online de Resíduos Sólidos – Módulo MTR – Manifesto de Transporte de Resíduos.

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Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: Notícias, Português, Últimas Notícias

Climate explained: seven reasons to be wary of waste-to-energy proposals

I was in Switzerland recently and discovered that they haven’t had any landfill since the early 2000s, because all of their waste is either recycledincinerated to produce electricity. How “green” is it to incinerate waste in order to produce electricity? Is it something New Zealand should consider, so that 1) we have no more landfill, and 2) we can replace our fossil-fuel power stations with power stations that incinerate waste?

Link to full article

Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: English, Latest News, Notícias

Senado aprova nova Lei de Licitações

Em sessão remota nesta quinta-feira (10), o Plenário do Senado aprovou o Projeto de Lei (PL) 4.253/2020, que cria um novo marco legal para substituir a Lei das Licitações (Lei 8.666/1993), a Lei do Pregão (Lei 10.520/2002) e o Regime Diferenciado de Contratações (RDC – Lei 12.462/11), além de agregar temas relacionados. O texto, relatado pelo senador Antonio Anastasia (PSD-MG), vai agora à sanção do presidente da República.

Fonte: Agência Senado

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Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: Notícias, Português, Últimas Notícias

Exploring the Unusual History of the Recycling Symbol

These days, recycling is almost second-nature to many people. When we take out the trash, we put the plastic, glass, metal, and paper in its respective bin, and bring it to the curb. When we’re out and about, we know which bin to throw the recyclable products into, and which is just for trash. How do we know all that? Because of the recycling symbol, of course. But the history of the recycling symbol and the person who invented it, are not widely understood by many of the people who take that now-iconic symbol for granted.

Link to full article

Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: English, Latest News, Notícias