
Big Bad Corn

If you’ve ever creeped your way through a corn maze at Halloween, you know how it can grab ahold of your imagination, turning benign stalks into monsters and discarded cobs into severed limbs. It’s just a trick of the light–but take a look at the ways that the U.S. uses …

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Big Bad Corn

If you’ve ever creeped your way through a corn maze at Halloween, you know how it can grab ahold of your imagination, turning benign stalks into monsters and discarded cobs into severed limbs. It’s just a trick of the light–but take a look at the ways that the U.S. uses …

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Big Bad Corn

If you’ve ever creeped your way through a corn maze at Halloween, you know how it can grab ahold of your imagination, turning benign stalks into monsters and discarded cobs into severed limbs. It’s just a trick of the light–but take a look at the ways that the U.S. uses …

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Big Bad Corn

If you’ve ever creeped your way through a corn maze at Halloween, you know how it can grab ahold of your imagination, turning benign stalks into monsters and discarded cobs into severed limbs. It’s just a trick of the light–but take a look at the ways that the U.S. uses …

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Big Bad Corn

If you’ve ever creeped your way through a corn maze at Halloween, you know how it can grab ahold of your imagination, turning benign stalks into monsters and discarded cobs into severed limbs. It’s just a trick of the light–but take a look at the ways that the U.S. uses …

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Big Bad Corn

If you’ve ever creeped your way through a corn maze at Halloween, you know how it can grab ahold of your imagination, turning benign stalks into monsters and discarded cobs into severed limbs. It’s just a trick of the light–but take a look at the ways that the U.S. uses …

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O debate sobre o uso de biocombustíveis está cada vez mais em voga, pois é sabido, com muita clareza, que os combustíveis fósseis, os mais utilizados, são finitos e as reservas terrestres só tendem a diminuir e terminar, sem renovação. Além disso, são extremamente poluidores e causam sérios desequilíbrios no …

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A história e o biodiesel

Nos EUA, em 1859, o coronel Edwin L. Drake descobriu petróleo na Pensilvânia, que passou a ser utilizado principalmente para produção de querosene de iluminação. Em 10 de agosto de 1893, um engenheiro apresentou em Augsburg, na Alemanha, um motor que funcionou de forma eficiente. Alguns anos depois, em 1898, …

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