The most feasible area of use for the biogas in Rio de Janeiro was deemed to inject the gas in into the grid. The indicated environmental performance shows that injection of biogas to the gas grid reduces GHG emissions with 68 %; and for every tonne of DM digestate, approximately …
Mais »Energias Renováveis: 2020 e as principais tendências de avanço do biogás no Brasil
Polêmica ANEEL – Resolução 482/2012, veículos pesados movidos a biometano, novos modelos de negócio para produção e comercialização de biogás, infraestrutura para usuários de veículos elétricos.
O presentetrabalho apresenta resultados do estudo da co-digestão em escala de bancada de lodo secundário de esgoto (LS) com resíduos provenientes de biocombustíveis, a saber,glicerol bruto (GB) provenienteda produção de biodiesel e vinhaça (VI) oriundosda produção de etanol.
Mais »Three municipal solid waste gasification technologies analysis for electrical energy generation in Brazil
The aim of this work is to evaluate the potential of electricity generation through MSW gasification in Santo André city, Brazil, comparing three waste gasification technologies: TPS Termiska Processer AB, Carbogas and Energos. These alternatives have operated commercially for a few years, and data are available.
Mais »Three municipal solid waste gasification technologies analysis for electrical energy generation in Brazil
The aim of this work is to evaluate the potential of electricity generation through MSW gasification in Santo André city, Brazil, comparing three waste gasification technologies: TPS Termiska Processer AB, Carbogas and Energos. These alternatives have operated commercially for a few years, and data are available.
Mais »Three municipal solid waste gasification technologies analysis for electrical energy generation in Brazil
The aim of this work is to evaluate the potential of electricity generation through MSW gasification in Santo André city, Brazil, comparing three waste gasification technologies: TPS Termiska Processer AB, Carbogas and Energos. These alternatives have operated commercially for a few years, and data are available.
Mais »Three municipal solid waste gasification technologies analysis for electrical energy generation in Brazil
The aim of this work is to evaluate the potential of electricity generation through MSW gasification in Santo André city, Brazil, comparing three waste gasification technologies: TPS Termiska Processer AB, Carbogas and Energos. These alternatives have operated commercially for a few years, and data are available.
Mais »Three municipal solid waste gasification technologies analysis for electrical energy generation in Brazil
The aim of this work is to evaluate the potential of electricity generation through MSW gasification in Santo André city, Brazil, comparing three waste gasification technologies: TPS Termiska Processer AB, Carbogas and Energos. These alternatives have operated commercially for a few years, and data are available.
Mais »Three municipal solid waste gasification technologies analysis for electrical energy generation in Brazil
The aim of this work is to evaluate the potential of electricity generation through MSW gasification in Santo André city, Brazil, comparing three waste gasification technologies: TPS Termiska Processer AB, Carbogas and Energos. These alternatives have operated commercially for a few years, and data are available.
Mais »Three municipal solid waste gasification technologies analysis for electrical energy generation in Brazil
The aim of this work is to evaluate the potential of electricity generation through MSW gasification in Santo André city, Brazil, comparing three waste gasification technologies: TPS Termiska Processer AB, Carbogas and Energos. These alternatives have operated commercially for a few years, and data are available.
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