Entulhos de Obras de Construção Civil

Characterization of Brazilian construction and demolition waste coarse recycled aggregate

This article aims to apply the combination of heavy media and hand sorting in representative samples of Brazilian CDW aggregates from two different recycling plants and to characterize relevant fractions by chemical, mineralogical and physical tests. Three national CDW coarse recycled aggregates were sampled, sieved, separated in four heavy media …

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Applied Mineralogy characterization of construction and demolition waste from Brazilian recycling plants

Three representative samples of construction and demolition waste recycled as aggregates were taken from two different Brazilian recycling plants. The samples were fractioned by sink-and-float and sieving techniques. The chemical composition, the main mineralogical phases and physical characteristics such as bulk specific gravity of these fractions were determined. The applied …

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Aperfeiçoamento da reciclagem da fração mineral dos resíduos de construção e demolição – uso em concretos

O objetivo desta comunicação técnica é apresentar as razões e estratégias para o aperfeiçoamento do processo de reciclagem da fração mineral do RCD com o objetivo de produzir agregados reciclados com qualidade controlada para uso em concretos. Estas estratégias serão adotadas em um projeto de pesquisa envolvendo o Centro de …

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Applied Mineralogy characterization of construction and demolition waste from Brazilian recycling plants

Three representative samples of construction and demolition waste recycled as aggregates were taken from two different Brazilian recycling plants. The samples were fractioned by sink-and-float and sieving techniques. The chemical composition, the main mineralogical phases and physical characteristics such as bulk specific gravity of these fractions were determined. The applied …

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Aperfeiçoamento da reciclagem da fração mineral dos resíduos de construção e demolição – uso em concretos

O objetivo desta comunicação técnica é apresentar as razões e estratégias para o aperfeiçoamento do processo de reciclagem da fração mineral do RCD com o objetivo de produzir agregados reciclados com qualidade controlada para uso em concretos. Estas estratégias serão adotadas em um projeto de pesquisa envolvendo o Centro de …

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Applied Mineralogy characterization of construction and demolition waste from Brazilian recycling plants

Three representative samples of construction and demolition waste recycled as aggregates were taken from two different Brazilian recycling plants. The samples were fractioned by sink-and-float and sieving techniques. The chemical composition, the main mineralogical phases and physical characteristics such as bulk specific gravity of these fractions were determined. The applied …

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