All GWPs depend on the AGWP for CO2 (the denominator in the definition of the GWP). The AGWP of CO2 again depends on the radiative efficiency for a small perturbation of CO2 from the current level of about 380 ppm. The species in Table 2.14 are those for which either …
Mais »Climate Change 2007: Working Group I: The Physical Science Basis
All GWPs depend on the AGWP for CO2 (the denominator in the definition of the GWP). The AGWP of CO2 again depends on the radiative efficiency for a small perturbation of CO2 from the current level of about 380 ppm. The species in Table 2.14 are those for which either …
Mais »Climate Change 2007: Working Group I: The Physical Science Basis
All GWPs depend on the AGWP for CO2 (the denominator in the definition of the GWP). The AGWP of CO2 again depends on the radiative efficiency for a small perturbation of CO2 from the current level of about 380 ppm. The species in Table 2.14 are those for which either …
Mais »Climate Change 2007: Working Group I: The Physical Science Basis
All GWPs depend on the AGWP for CO2 (the denominator in the definition of the GWP). The AGWP of CO2 again depends on the radiative efficiency for a small perturbation of CO2 from the current level of about 380 ppm. The species in Table 2.14 are those for which either …
Mais »Climate Change 2007: Working Group I: The Physical Science Basis
All GWPs depend on the AGWP for CO2 (the denominator in the definition of the GWP). The AGWP of CO2 again depends on the radiative efficiency for a small perturbation of CO2 from the current level of about 380 ppm. The species in Table 2.14 are those for which either …
Mais »Redução das emissões de gases de efeito estufa listados no Protocolo de Quioto pelo aproveitamento do gás gerado em aterros sanitários utilizando células a combustível de óxido sólido
Nos últimos anos, o Protocolo de Quioto é um assunto que vem sendo bastante discutido, inicialmente, em um nicho restrito, principalmente os acadêmicos e profissionais ligados à área de mudanças climáticas. Com sua entrada em vigor, em fevereiro de 2005, o assunto rompeu as fronteiras iniciais e ganhou espaço na …
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