O presente trabalho teve como obj etivo realiz ar ensa ios laboratoriais de di gestão anaeróbia de resíduos alimentares do restaurante universitário da Universidade Federal do ABC com vistas à melhor c ompreensão do proc esso e otimização da produçã o de metano (CH4).
Mais »Unidade de Demonstração Itaipu RELATÓRIO 2018
A planta de biogás foi inaugurada no dia 2 de Junho de 2017. Instalada dentro do complexo da Itaipu Binacional, a estrutura apresenta componentes inovadores e adequados às necessidades brasileiras.
Os Processos Oxidativos Avançados (POAs) têm demonstrado ser uma opção adequada para o tratamento de efluentes contendo compostos tóxicos e/ou não biodegradáveis, inclusive no tratamento de lixiviados de aterros sanitários. Esses processos diferenciam por transformar a grande maioria dos contaminantes orgânicos em dióxido de carbono, água e ânions inorgânicos, através …
Mais »120 Things You Can Compost from Home
Composting is the perfect solution to household waste. Rather than everything going in the trash and ending up in a landfill somewhere, it is naturally broken down into powerful fertilizer that can then be used to help your plants, vegetables and flowers thrive.
Mais »Waste to energy efficiency improvements: Integration with solar thermal energy
The study shows that: (i) in the integrated case and for the increasing steam parameters energy, economic and ecological performances are improved; (ii) increasing the solar contribution could be an efficient way to improve the process and system performances. In general, we can conclude that concentrated solar-power technology holds significant …
Mais »Simulation and optimization of dynamic waste collection routes
The present study aimed to evaluate a geographic information system (GIS)-based smart collection system (SCS) compared to conventional practices in terms of time, pollution, and cost. Different scenarios were tested on a local residential district based on variable bin filling rates. The input data were obtained from a field survey …
Mais »Waste to energy efficiency improvements: Integration with solar thermal energy
The study shows that: (i) in the integrated case and for the increasing steam parameters energy, economic and ecological performances are improved; (ii) increasing the solar contribution could be an efficient way to improve the process and system performances. In general, we can conclude that concentrated solar-power technology holds significant …
Mais »Waste to energy efficiency improvements: Integration with solar thermal energy
The study shows that: (i) in the integrated case and for the increasing steam parameters energy, economic and ecological performances are improved; (ii) increasing the solar contribution could be an efficient way to improve the process and system performances. In general, we can conclude that concentrated solar-power technology holds significant …
Mais »Waste to energy efficiency improvements: Integration with solar thermal energy
The study shows that: (i) in the integrated case and for the increasing steam parameters energy, economic and ecological performances are improved; (ii) increasing the solar contribution could be an efficient way to improve the process and system performances. In general, we can conclude that concentrated solar-power technology holds significant …
Mais »Simulation and optimization of dynamic waste collection routes
The present study aimed to evaluate a geographic information system (GIS)-based smart collection system (SCS) compared to conventional practices in terms of time, pollution, and cost. Different scenarios were tested on a local residential district based on variable bin filling rates. The input data were obtained from a field survey …
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