The present e-waste management needs to be more focused on environmentally sound management, by more active support from all the participants involved in the e-waste flow chain in India.
Mais »Waste and Recycled Textiles as Reinforcements of Building Materials
Currently, the use of composite materials in the construction areas has had a great impact on the society;mainly,those related with sustainability and environment aspects. Daily proposals aimed at overcoming the properties of traditional materials that arise, which include emergent materials either from waste or recycled products.
Mais »Waste and Recycled Textiles as Reinforcements of Building Materials
Currently, the use of composite materials in the construction areas has had a great impact on the society;mainly,those related with sustainability and environment aspects. Daily proposals aimed at overcoming the properties of traditional materials that arise, which include emergent materials either from waste or recycled products.
Mais »Waste and Recycled Textiles as Reinforcements of Building Materials
Currently, the use of composite materials in the construction areas has had a great impact on the society;mainly,those related with sustainability and environment aspects. Daily proposals aimed at overcoming the properties of traditional materials that arise, which include emergent materials either from waste or recycled products.
O aumento acelerado da produção de resíduos sólidos pela humanidade tem sido alvo de preocupação mundial. Porém, com o gerenciamento adequado destes resíduos, torna-se possível a geração do biogás, recuperado como fonte energética e podendo inclusive ser utilizado como combustível. A utilização do biogás como combustível veicular é uma realidade …
Mais »United Nations System-wide Response to Tackling E-waste
This report, United Nations System-wide Response to Tackling E-waste, signals the importance of collaboration and coordination among UN entities in sustainably solving the global e-waste problem. It showcases efforts by UN Environment Management Group (EMG) Members who have already undertaken various successful activities in the e-waste domain and also highlights …
Mais »United Nations System-wide Response to Tackling E-waste
This report, United Nations System-wide Response to Tackling E-waste, signals the importance of collaboration and coordination among UN entities in sustainably solving the global e-waste problem. It showcases efforts by UN Environment Management Group (EMG) Members who have already undertaken various successful activities in the e-waste domain and also highlights …
Mais »United Nations System-wide Response to Tackling E-waste
This report, United Nations System-wide Response to Tackling E-waste, signals the importance of collaboration and coordination among UN entities in sustainably solving the global e-waste problem. It showcases efforts by UN Environment Management Group (EMG) Members who have already undertaken various successful activities in the e-waste domain and also highlights …
Mais »United Nations System-wide Response to Tackling E-waste
This report, United Nations System-wide Response to Tackling E-waste, signals the importance of collaboration and coordination among UN entities in sustainably solving the global e-waste problem. It showcases efforts by UN Environment Management Group (EMG) Members who have already undertaken various successful activities in the e-waste domain and also highlights …
Mais »United Nations System-wide Response to Tackling E-waste
This report, United Nations System-wide Response to Tackling E-waste, signals the importance of collaboration and coordination among UN entities in sustainably solving the global e-waste problem. It showcases efforts by UN Environment Management Group (EMG) Members who have already undertaken various successful activities in the e-waste domain and also highlights …
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