In December 2019, the European Commission (EC) published its much-anticipated European Green Deal (EGD). This is a collection of documents proposing how to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050, boost the economy, improve peoples health and quality of life, care for nature, and leave no one behind.
Mais »2ª Pesquisa ABES COVID E LIMPEZA URBANA sobre a geração de resíduos e a situação dos trabalhadores do setor com relação ao coronavirus nas capitais brasileiras no período de isolamento pela pandemia da Covid-19
Os resultados apontam para a redução da geração de resíduos domiciliares e da coleta seletiva. Além disso a pesquisa mostra a incidência do coronavírus nos trabalhadores dos diferentes setores da limpeza urbana nas capitais brasileiras no período de isolamento pela pandemia da Covid-19.
Mais »How does energy from waste fit into the EUs new circular economy package and Green Deal?
In December 2019, the European Commission (EC) published its much-anticipated European Green Deal (EGD). This is a collection of documents proposing how to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050, boost the economy, improve peoples health and quality of life, care for nature, and leave no one behind.
Mais »How does energy from waste fit into the EUs new circular economy package and Green Deal?
In December 2019, the European Commission (EC) published its much-anticipated European Green Deal (EGD). This is a collection of documents proposing how to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050, boost the economy, improve peoples health and quality of life, care for nature, and leave no one behind.
Mais »How does energy from waste fit into the EUs new circular economy package and Green Deal?
In December 2019, the European Commission (EC) published its much-anticipated European Green Deal (EGD). This is a collection of documents proposing how to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050, boost the economy, improve peoples health and quality of life, care for nature, and leave no one behind.
Mais »How does energy from waste fit into the EUs new circular economy package and Green Deal?
In December 2019, the European Commission (EC) published its much-anticipated European Green Deal (EGD). This is a collection of documents proposing how to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050, boost the economy, improve peoples health and quality of life, care for nature, and leave no one behind.
Mais »How does energy from waste fit into the EUs new circular economy package and Green Deal?
In December 2019, the European Commission (EC) published its much-anticipated European Green Deal (EGD). This is a collection of documents proposing how to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050, boost the economy, improve peoples health and quality of life, care for nature, and leave no one behind.
Mais »Thermotolerant and Thermophilic Mycobiota in Different Steps of Compost Maturation
Composting is a complex process in which various micro-organisms, mainly fungi and bacteria, are involved. The process depends on a large number of factors (biological, chemical, and physical) among which microbial populations play a fundamental role. The high temperatures that occur during the composting process indicate the presence of thermotolerant …
Mais »How does energy from waste fit into the EUs new circular economy package and Green Deal?
In December 2019, the European Commission (EC) published its much-anticipated European Green Deal (EGD). This is a collection of documents proposing how to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050, boost the economy, improve peoples health and quality of life, care for nature, and leave no one behind.
Mais »Thermotolerant and Thermophilic Mycobiota in Different Steps of Compost Maturation
Composting is a complex process in which various micro-organisms, mainly fungi and bacteria, are involved. The process depends on a large number of factors (biological, chemical, and physical) among which microbial populations play a fundamental role. The high temperatures that occur during the composting process indicate the presence of thermotolerant …
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