This project illustrates the potential of generating electricity from renewable energy sources, such as the biogas produced by the decomposition of organic solid wastes in sanitary landfills and biodiesel produced through the transesterization of used vegetable (cooking) oils. The installation of a 180 kVA power generator driven by biofuel ensures …
Mais »Use of Biogas and Biodiesel for Power Generation at the Jardim Gramacho Landfill, Duque de Caxias, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
This project illustrates the potential of generating electricity from renewable energy sources, such as the biogas produced by the decomposition of organic solid wastes in sanitary landfills and biodiesel produced through the transesterization of used vegetable (cooking) oils. The installation of a 180 kVA power generator driven by biofuel ensures …
Mais »Use of Biogas and Biodiesel for Power Generation at the Jardim Gramacho Landfill, Duque de Caxias, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
This project illustrates the potential of generating electricity from renewable energy sources, such as the biogas produced by the decomposition of organic solid wastes in sanitary landfills and biodiesel produced through the transesterization of used vegetable (cooking) oils. The installation of a 180 kVA power generator driven by biofuel ensures …
Mais »Use of Biogas and Biodiesel for Power Generation at the Jardim Gramacho Landfill, Duque de Caxias, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
This project illustrates the potential of generating electricity from renewable energy sources, such as the biogas produced by the decomposition of organic solid wastes in sanitary landfills and biodiesel produced through the transesterization of used vegetable (cooking) oils. The installation of a 180 kVA power generator driven by biofuel ensures …
Mais »Use of Biogas and Biodiesel for Power Generation at the Jardim Gramacho Landfill, Duque de Caxias, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
This project illustrates the potential of generating electricity from renewable energy sources, such as the biogas produced by the decomposition of organic solid wastes in sanitary landfills and biodiesel produced through the transesterization of used vegetable (cooking) oils. The installation of a 180 kVA power generator driven by biofuel ensures …
Mais »Use of Biogas and Biodiesel for Power Generation at the Jardim Gramacho Landfill, Duque de Caxias, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
This project illustrates the potential of generating electricity from renewable energy sources, such as the biogas produced by the decomposition of organic solid wastes in sanitary landfills and biodiesel produced through the transesterization of used vegetable (cooking) oils. The installation of a 180 kVA power generator driven by biofuel ensures …
Mais »Use of Biogas and Biodiesel for Power Generation at the Jardim Gramacho Landfill, Duque de Caxias, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
This project illustrates the potential of generating electricity from renewable energy sources, such as the biogas produced by the decomposition of organic solid wastes in sanitary landfills and biodiesel produced through the transesterization of used vegetable (cooking) oils. The installation of a 180 kVA power generator driven by biofuel ensures …
Mais »A juíza e o gari
Mais »Resumo do III Workshop CCP – Cenários para Redução de Emissões, IV Workshop CCP e I Jornada Internacional sobre Mudanças Climáticas e Resíduos Sólidos
A Campanha Cidades pela Proteção do Clima – CCP do ICLEI, com o apoio da Agência Canadense para Desenvolvimento Internacional – CIDA, realizou o III e IV workshops em Avellaneda e Buenos Aires, na Argentina, de 09 a 11 de abril de 2003, enfocando o Marco 3 da metodologia CCP …
Ao lado de sua utilização agrícola como recondicionador de solos exauridos, novas perspectivas se abrem para o composto orgânico do lixo. Uma delas, finalidade do presente trabalho, e a sua utilização no combate à erosão, fenômeno cuja extensão e gravidade tornam desnecessárias dissertações a respeito
Mais »