Our assessment of 2020 trends is based the latest available investment data and announcements by governments and companies, as of mid-May (including first-quarter company reporting), tracking of progress with individual projects, interviews with leading industry figures, and incorporates also the latest insights and analysis from across IEA work.
Mais »World Energy Investment 2020
Our assessment of 2020 trends is based the latest available investment data and announcements by governments and companies, as of mid-May (including first-quarter company reporting), tracking of progress with individual projects, interviews with leading industry figures, and incorporates also the latest insights and analysis from across IEA work.
Mais »Waste-to-Energy with CCS: A pathway to carbon-negative power generation
A key solution to these challenges of MSW disposal, rising energy demand and methane emissions from MSW is Waste-to-Energy (WtE); the generation of energy in the form of electricity and heat from the processing of waste. The addition of carbon capture and storage (CCS) to WtE has the …
Mais »World Energy Investment 2020
Our assessment of 2020 trends is based the latest available investment data and announcements by governments and companies, as of mid-May (including first-quarter company reporting), tracking of progress with individual projects, interviews with leading industry figures, and incorporates also the latest insights and analysis from across IEA work.
Mais »World Energy Investment 2020
Our assessment of 2020 trends is based the latest available investment data and announcements by governments and companies, as of mid-May (including first-quarter company reporting), tracking of progress with individual projects, interviews with leading industry figures, and incorporates also the latest insights and analysis from across IEA work.
Mais »Waste-to-Energy with CCS: A pathway to carbon-negative power generation
A key solution to these challenges of MSW disposal, rising energy demand and methane emissions from MSW is Waste-to-Energy (WtE); the generation of energy in the form of electricity and heat from the processing of waste. The addition of carbon capture and storage (CCS) to WtE has the …
Mais »NOTA TÉCNICA Nº 2/2020 CMA, 15 DE MAIO DE 2020
Nota Técnica referente à atuação dos membros do Ministério Público brasileiro para a prevenção da disseminação da COVID-19 na coleta seletiva e nas atividades exercidas pelas associações e cooperativas de catadores de materiais reutilizáveis e recicláveis.
O Dr. Fábio Klamt, Professor e Pesquisador do Departamento de Bioquímica/UFRGS compartilha o melhor texto lido em relação a AVALIAÇÃO DE RISCO DE CONTAMINAÇÃO PELO SARS-COV-2. Este texto foi escrito pelo Prof. de Imunologia e Doenças Infecciosas Erin S. Bromage, Ph.D., da University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, e o original encontra-se …
Mais »What Waste Collectors and Recyclers Need to Know about COVID-19
For waste collectors and recyclers, potential sources of exposure include having close contact with a coworker or member of the public with COVID-19, or by contacting surfaces touched or handled by a person with COVID-19.
Mais »What Waste Collectors and Recyclers Need to Know about COVID-19
For waste collectors and recyclers, potential sources of exposure include having close contact with a coworker or member of the public with COVID-19, or by contacting surfaces touched or handled by a person with COVID-19.
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