
Plastics – Retention in Landfill

Many people believe that plastics comprise the majority of all municipal solid waste. This is simply not so. Studies have shown that plastics make up approximately nine per cent of all municipal solid waste by weight and 14-20 per cent by volume. Although waste management practices, such as recycling and …

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Plastics – Retention in Landfill

Many people believe that plastics comprise the majority of all municipal solid waste. This is simply not so. Studies have shown that plastics make up approximately nine per cent of all municipal solid waste by weight and 14-20 per cent by volume. Although waste management practices, such as recycling and …

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O plástico saiu de moda

O debate em torno do uso das sacolinhas de plástico-filme dos supermercados ganhou força nos últimos meses. O tema despertou o interesse da sociedade, demonstrando que existe interesse da população em adotar novas soluções no combate a essa verdadeira praga que infesta e contamina lixões e aterros sanitários pelo País. …

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