China – Hong Kong launches domestic waste separation at source

Hong Kong‘‘s Housing Department is committed to launching a “Domestic Waste Separation at Source Scheme” in 30 public rental housing (PRH) estates this year to encourage tenants to separate recyclables at source, Deputy Director of Housing, Lau Kai-hung, said recently (Xinhua News Agency). Lau said the scheme would facilitate the collection of recyclables by garbage collectors, increase the rate of recycling and reduce the burden on landfills.

Of the PRH estates earmarked for launching the scheme, eight estates have separation bins in place on every floor of PRH blocks for collection of waste papers, plastic bottles and aluminum cans for recycling. Another five PRH estates have made arrangements for collection of plastic materials for recycling. “Discussions will be held with the Estate Management Advisory Committees of the remaining 17 PRH estates to decide on the best approach for implementing the scheme,” Lau said.

Meanwhile, collection points for spent rechargeable batteries will also be set up at all estate offices to enhance tenants‘‘ awareness of environmental protection. Noting the department‘‘s remarkable achievements in waste reduction and recycling, Lau said more than 3,400 tons of waste paper, 178 tons of aluminium cans and 133 tons of plastic bottles were collected from the PRH estates during the period from April to December last year. Lau noted that the support and concerted efforts of tenants, estate offices‘‘ staff and management service partners were crucial to the success of effective environmental protection measures

Ano da Publicação: 2005
Fonte: WARMER BULLETIN ENEWS #11-2005-March 19, 2005
Autor: Kit Strange / Warmer Bulletin
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