This work presents a joint acting experience of government bureaus and work areas
watching competencies in environment control and human resources research/forming
on industrial chemical residue used as fuel at cement industry ovens in Cantagalo, a
town in Rio de Janeiro.The problem in this town was identified by the population
nearby cement industries and drivers from companies which transport chemical residue
to those industries. The accusation of the problem was taken to local public health
instituitions and to non-governmental environment protection organizations,
reverberanting in national and local press. Parallelly, this issue got to Worker‘s Health
State Program (WHSP) from Rio State Health Bureau (RSHB), which started an
interdisciplinary and pluriinstitutional inspection action, aiming at tecnically analizing
the problem. Identifying and measuring the problem resulted in the signature of a
Commitment Term between one of the two coprocessing companies and public bureaus.
The other coprocessing company has been so far suspended from its activities by the
environment office, due to hazardous work conditions and non-adoption of correctional
procedures. The pluriinstitutional action, especially with union participation, at a
second moment enabled a combination of target and a fundamental quality
improvement in watching worker‘s health process.
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