Consumption in the USA

To give an idea of the amount of nondurable products consumed in the US and consequently of the potential for solid waste recovery, we shall quote some bits of information from Tom Heyman’s “In an Average Lifetime”: “During his life, the average American will consume 20.301 bottles of beer, 460 liters of liquor, 913 batteries, 67 car tires, 487 pens, 609 shaving blades, 10.370 aluminum cans, 12.788 glass bottles, 22.140 kilograms of paper products, 5 cars, 31 pairs of sunglasses, 121 jeans pants, 11.113 M&M packs and 152 pies. Besides that, he will waste 49.706 kilograms of food, 10.035.400 liters of water and will receive 8.266 kilograms of junk mail.”

Fonte: Warmer Bulletin - World Resource Foundation
Autor: J. H. Penido
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