E-Waste: Dark Side of Digital Age

These days, it‘s often cheaper and more convenient to buy a new PC than to upgrade an old one. But what happens to those old computers once they‘ve been abandoned for newer models?

The refuse from discarded electronics products, also known as e-waste, often ends up in landfills or incinerators instead of being recycled. And that means toxic substances like lead, cadmium and mercury that are commonly used in these products can contaminate the land, water and air.

“The fruits of our high-tech revolution are pure poison if these products are improperly disposed of at the end of their useful life,” said Ted Smith, founder of the Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition.

On Thursday, Smith‘s group released its annual Computer Report Card comparing the environmental records of 28 tech firms.

The report, sponsored by the SVTC and the Computer TakeBack Campaign, found most U.S. firms lag behind their Japanese competitors when it comes to the use of hazardous materials, recycling programs and worker health and safety.

The United States generates more e-waste than any other nation, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. More than 4.6 million tons of it entered U.S. landfills in 2000, and that amount is projected to grow fourfold in the next few years.

Some of that waste is recycled. For example, steel, aluminum and copper are often stripped from outdated machines and reused in newer models.

But even recycled parts come at a price. An estimated 50 to 80 percent of e-waste collected in the United States for recycling is exported to areas such as China, India or Pakistan, where workers taking apart the old machines are handling toxic chemicals that can pose serious health problems.

Some manufacturers are beginning to assume greater responsibility for what happens to their products after they become obsolete. For example, Dell, Hewlett-Packard and Gateway have recently expanded programs to collect old computer equipment.

The SVTC report card evaluated the firms based upon criteria gleaned from the companies‘ websites. Only one company, Fujitsu, received a passing grade.

Fujitsu is among a handful of Japanese companies that have developed technologies to eliminate toxic chemicals by developing lead-free products.

“The leadership continues to be by and large the Japanese companies, and the U.S. companies tend to be far behind,” Smith said.

“A lot of (U.S. manufacturers‘) initiatives are piecemeal and not really designed to address the vast majority of consumer concerns,” he added. “There is still an enormous amount of computer waste being exported to China.”

Japan and the European Union have adopted progressive e-waste recycling laws. The European parliament recently approved two legislative mandates to require manufacturers to cover the recycling and collection costs for their own take-back programs.

Europe‘s Restrictions on Hazardous Substances (RoHS) directive and Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment directive are setting the global standard for computer recycling, Smith said. Under the RoHS initiative, any manufacturer who wants to do business in Europe has to produce lead-free products.

The Computer Report Card says that some U.S. companies have a double standard when it comes to recycling. While some companies have implemented recycling policies in the European Union and Japan, where such programs are mandated, they‘ve yet to do so in the United States.

Read More http://www.wired.com/science/discoveries/news/2003/01/57151#ixzz0wao8jAxg

Ano da Publicação: 2010
Fonte: http://www.wired.com/science/discoveries/news/2003/01/57151
Autor: Rodrigo Imbelloni
Email do Autor: rodrigo@web-resol.org

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