SMi‘s 8th annual conference on Energy from Waste will bring together industry professionals and local councils working in waste, bioenergy, environmental services and infrastructure finance. It will strengthen knowledge in key topics such as, merchant funding, recycling and European trade, whilst looking at the practicalities of biomass gasification and keeping attendees at the forefront of technological breakthroughs to adapt to the growing need for greener energy.

Understanding EU initiatives surrounding the circular economy and British Policy around energy production and waste management will be a major focus, as will hearing from a selection of local councils currently implementing energy to waste projects. This will include case studies from Great London Authority, Southwark Council, North London Waste Authority, Sutton council, Welsh Government and North Yorkshire County Council.

An exclusive update on the energy from waste industry from the Environmental Services Association (ESA) Executive Director, Jacob Hayler, will be just one of the event highlights for 2015.

Data: 7 de dezembro de 2015
Início: 1 de dezembro de 2015
País: United Kingdom
Cidade: London
Informações para Contato:
Tel: +44 (0)20 7827 6078

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