Europe – thematic stategies stem from drive towards "better regulation"

The European Commission is proposing a comprehensive review of environment policy. EIS reports that the thematic strategies in this area stem from its new approach aiming to improve EU law-making, simplify and clarify existing rules and propose less cumbersome framework legislation where new legislation is deemed necessary. They seek to reconcile strategic objectives with the interests of all economic stakeholders (companies, public authorities), in the least binding and most profitable way possible. This desire for "better regulation" in the environment field is outlined in a working paper adopted by the Commission on September 28, which will serve as a basis for a policy debate on the issue at the October 17 Environment Council.

The strategies adopted on September 21 on air pollution, waste prevention and recycling and the sustainable use of pesticides will revise policy and/or legislation in areas where there is a long-standing and extensive body of Community law. The others will take up new environmental challenges in an integrated perspective:

the natural resources strategy will provide an analytical framework for sustainable production and consumption policies, including waste management

the soil and marine strategies will complement air and water policy to cover the primary environment media

the urban strategy will examine the specific problems of the urban environment and looks at sustainable transport, sustainable construction and integrated environmental management

The 6th Action Programme on the Environment calls for seven thematic strategies to be drawn up on: air pollution, the marine environment, the sustainable use of resources, waste prevention and recycling, the sustainable use of pesticides, soil protection and the urban environment. During the general policy debate on environment policy on June 20, the Commission confirmed that this approach will be maintained, providing clear guidelines for Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimas to guarantee compatibility with the Lisbon Agenda.

The Commission indicates that these strategies will provide a broad analysis of issues by theme, looking at the impact on specific environment themes (for example, air pollutants such as particulate matter affecting health, loss of biodiversity), impacts which cut across environment themes (climate change, biodiversity loss) and links between the environmental impact and sector-specific policies (such as the impact of transport, energy, agriculture on air, soil, water etc).

They aim to strike the right balance between environmental protection and the Lisbon objectives of growth and jobs. To this end, they will look at a broad range of options and a varied policy mix, including the use of market-based instruments, technology deployment and innovation to deal with the identified problems in a strategic and effective manner. Each strategy will take the form of a package comprising an overall approach towards the thematic issue presented in a Communication highlighting issues and proposed solutions, legislative proposals for some of the strategies, followed by an impact assessment.

Subsidiarity and proportionality

The strategies will look at a broad range of options and a varied policy mix ranging from the status quo to regulatory alternatives and use of market-based instruments. The principles of subsidiarity and proportionality will be taken into account so it will be up to member states to choose the most appropriate way to achieve desired objectives. By way of example, the marine strategy will be tailored to take the diversity of the various seas into account and suggests a regional eco-system.

The Commission also points out that the economic (including competitiveness of EU industry) social and environmental impact of the policy options are being examined, notably through a cost-benefit analysis. These impact analyses will allow for the cho

Ano da Publicação: 2005
Fonte: WARMER BULLETIN ENEWS #39-2005-October 2, 2005
Autor: Kit Strange/Warmer Bulletin
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